New transcripts that show text message exchanges between R Kelly’s 16-year-old ex-girlfriend Azriel Clary and her mother Alice Clary surfaced online on April 10. In the disturbing conversation, the mother can be seen telling the teenager to entice and seduce the singer. The pages were released after the R&B musician was sentenced to 20 years in prison on charges of child p*rnography and enticing a minor. In addition, the disgraced artist is also serving a 30-year prison stint on chargers of racketeering and s*x trafficking.
In the latest transcripts that found their way online, Alice tells her daughter to not wear her glasses, have her “hair to side” and “put on a show.” She also tells the teenager:
“Dance grab his hand shimmy wiggle sit on his lap entice him…. while singing its all bout performance…. this is your chance and opportunity”

Alice also told Azriel to not look “grown” by wearing lipstick. She also encouraged the latter to look “feisty” in hopes of getting into a relationship with the singer.
In other text messages, Alice Clary tells her daughter to be honest with R Kelly about her age. Another text message sent by Alice to Azriel read:
“That man ain’t trying to do nothing with you musically, he want to f**k period cuz he like young girls… he will probably hit you up fly you to him by yourself get you there and you will have no choice but to have s*x cuz he will probably tell you he ain’t giving you a return flight unless you do all kinds bs”

Netizens respond to text message exchange between R Kelly’s teenage ex-girlfriend and her mother
Internet users were left immensely disturbed once they read the transcript. Many could not believe that Alice Clary was encouraging her daughter to get involved with R Kelly. Several netizens expressed sorrow at the fact that Azriel was seemingly groomed by her own mother simply for financial profits. Several people noted that Alice should be put behind bars similar to R Kelly. A few reactions to the transcript read:
Azriel Clary is not the singer’s only victims who have come forward. R Kelly’s former goddaughter also testified against him in August 2022. She revealed that the two were in a s*xual relationship when she was just 15 years old.
Meanwhile, the 56-year-old was ordered to pay $300,000 to two victims who testified against him in September 2022. It was demanded that he must pay one of them $300,000 to cover her herpes treatment and therapy expenses. Another victim was given $8,000 to cover her herpes and mental health treatment as well.
US District Judge Harry D. Leinenweber recently announced that Kelly would be serving 19 years of his 20-year sentence at the same time as his other sentence. The one remaining year would be served consecutively.