The annual Nathan's Hot Dog Eating Contest is back like every year, this time, with even crazier rules. The hot dog eating contest, which is held every Fourth of July, will be held on the same date this year as well. Taking place in Brooklyn, the exact location of Nathan's Hot Dog will also remain the same as every year, which is in Coney Island, near the Surf and Stillwell Avenues.
Competitors participating in Nathan's Hot Dog Eating Contest will be on the quest to eat the maximum number of hotdogs, including the buns, within 10 minutes. While the men’s competition is all set to begin at 12 pm, the one for women will commence early, at 10:45 am. Those who are interested in watching the famous Nathan’s Hot Dog Eating Contest on TV can tune into ESPN3 for the women’s contest and ESPN2 for the men’s.
Held since 1997, Nathan's Hot Dog Eating Contest will see constestants fight for a belt, along with a cash prize of $10,000 for the competitor that secures the first position. Furthermore, contestants who come in the second and third positions will win $5,000 and $2,500 each. On the other hand, those who finish in the fourth and fifth positions will receive $1,500 and $1,000, respectively.
Participants in Nathan's Hot Dog Eating Contest should be under a contract by Major League Eating to participate, more rules explored
As the excitement to witness yet another Nathan’s Hot Dog Eating Contest rises this year, people are acquanting themselves with the rules, which have changed slightly. While anyone can take part in the contest, however, it has now become crucial to first sign a contract with the Major League Eating (MLE) to be a part of the competition.
Nathan's Hot Dog Eating Contest's other rules include the barring of water, beverages, or any condiments. Furthermore, contestants who eat their hotdogs in a messy fashion are handed penalty cards. There have been specific rules set for situations where there can be a tie. In such cases, an eat-off is organized to declare the winner.
However, if the hotdog during Nathan’s Hot Dog Eating Contest is eaten partially when the timer goes off, the participant can be awarded that hotdog only if they finish it. Furthermore, participants won’t be allowed to consume hot dogs and buns separately, and the same has to be eaten like a meal that exists together. Nathan’s also does not allow any cutlery apart from the plates given at the start of the competition.
The Nathan's Hot Dog Eating Contest is extremely popular in the USA, and there have people who have set their record to eat the maximum number of hotdogs during the contest. Joey Chestnut, a consecutive winner, once ate 76 hotdogs in 2021, and set the record by eating the maximum number of hotdogs in just 10 minutes. Being ranked as the top competitor, Joey is all set to make a comeback this year as well.
Meanwhile, in Nathan's Hot Dog Eating Contest's women category, Sudo, a 38-year-old, has outdone herself multiple times and set the record by eating 49 hotdogs in just 10 minutes. While it is unclear if Sudo will again be seen in the contest, Joey, like every year, plans to beat his own score again this year.