Apple TV+ recently announced a four-part documentary chronicling Lionel Messi's journey, leaving fans over the moon. The untitled show is set to follow Lionel Messi from the start of his career, covering important events, including the 2022 World Cup. It is very rare for television fans to come together in harmony to celebrate an upcoming show or film, but when the series in question is about Messi, there are certainly exceptions.
The news was announced on Discussing Film's Twitter account, and several fans took to the comments section to share their views on the upcoming title as they expressed their excitement to see Lionel Messi's journey unfold.
"We will be there" - Fans react to Apple TV+'s announcement about Lionel Messi docu-series
Twitter users were extremely happy about the news and fans flocked together to express their excitement about this upcoming documentary. Many also flooded social media as they expressed their love for the player.
While many attempts have been made by various filmmakers to capture the essence of the Argentine wonder on screen, this Apple TV+ production promises in-depth conversations with coaches, competitors, teammates, commentators, and devout fans, "testifying to the incredible influence and impact he has on a nation and world stage." As per the press release by the platform, the documentary will also include the "most personal interviews to date with Messi."
Emmy winners Tim Pastore and Matt Renner and Tony winners Patrick Milling Smith and Brian Carmody will be the executive producers of the upcoming docu-series about Lionel Messi.
More details about the Apple TV+ docu-series, including the title and release date are currently awaited.