Jungkook, the youngest member of BTS, recently made history with his inaugural solo live stage event, a momentous occasion that drew an enthusiastic crowd of ARMYs. Scheduled for November 20 at Jangchung Arena in Seoul, this marked Jungkook's first-ever solo concert on stage, creating a significant moment not only for the fans but also for his fellow BTS members.
Furthermore, the event was not confined to the arena but reached global audiences through live streaming on the Weverse platform. Later, it was also made available on the BigHit YouTube channel. Notably, BTS leader RM was the sole member present at the physical venue, highlighting the unique significance of this occasion.
Jungkook's concert didn't just break records but etched its place in history as one of the highest real-time view-grossers for a solo artist. Fans believe this achievement attests to the global impact and immense popularity that Jungkook enjoys as a pop icon.
"WE ALL WERE TURNED IN": Express their unwavering support towards Jungkook's first ever solo concert
The timing of this solo concert aligns with the release of Jungkook's latest album, GOLDEN, which also marks his first solo venture. Released officially on November 3, 2023, the album has been making waves, capturing the attention and admiration of fans worldwide. The celebratory atmosphere surrounding the album continued with Jungkook's live concert on November 20.
The concert itself was a visual and auditory spectacle, leaving a lasting impact on those present at the venue and those tuning in from different corners of the globe. The Standing Next to You singer's performance wasn't confined to his solo work, as he delighted ARMYs by including renditions of some of BTS' iconic songs. This thoughtful touch added an extra layer of excitement and nostalgia for the fans.
What's particularly noteworthy is the impact of the concert, not just within the physical arena but also in the digital realm. The live-streamed event garnered a substantial viewership, emphasizing the global reach and unity of the ARMY fandom. Fans, whether physically present or virtually connected, united in support of their beloved maknae during this pivotal moment in his career.
Jungkook's concert broke barriers, surpassing 12 million real-time viewers. This remarkable achievement isn't confined to the realm of K-pop but resonates across music genres, representing the international appeal of BTS and its members. Moreover, the immense pride and joy of fans was palpable as they flooded social media platforms with congratulatory messages and good wishes for the BTS star.
Adding an extra layer of warmth to the event, BTS leader RM attended the concert as a show of support for their maknae. Despite the physical absence of other group members, their support was conveyed to the idol. J-hope and Jimin, unable to be present in person, conveyed their heartfelt wishes through comments like "Let's gooooooooo jk" and "my favorite song" on the live stream, exemplifying the camaraderie and support that defines the BTS brotherhood.
The day concluded with Jungkook engaging in numerous interactions with ARMYs, playfully teasing them and discussing various topics. Fans believe the success of this solo concert not only marks a milestone in the star's solo career but also stands as a testament to the impact and unity of the global BTS fandom.