Popular reality competition series Survivor season 44 aired its finale episode on Wednesday, May 24, 2023, at 8 pm ET on CBS. It documented the Top 5 finalists competing in a seris of challenges and giving it their all to ensure they keep moving forward until one of them wins the coveted title and the grand cash prize of $1 million. Viewers witnessed many incredible twists and turns.
On this week's episode of Survivor, Heidi won the immunity challenge and guaranteed herself a spot in the final three. However, she decided to risk her game and play the fire, which might potentially send her home. Fans slammed Heidi for her poor decision. One tweeted:
Heidi chooses to make fire on Survivor 44 finale
The season 44 finale episode of Survivor saw the remaining cast members - Lauren Harpe, Carson Garrett, Carolyn Wiger, Yam Yam Arocho, and Heidi Lageres-Greenblatt - arriving on a new beach after the Tribal Council. The castaways began looking for an all-important immunity idol.
The official synopsis of the episode, titled Absolute Banger Season, reads:
"After a gruelling, accelerated 26-day season filled with new twists and advantages, castaways skilfully navigate their way to the final three, with one crowned the Sole Survivor; Jeff Probst hosts the after show."
For the final immunity challenge on Survivor, the finalists had to race through a three-part obstacle course. They had to collect keys, use that to open a chest, release the ladder and then solve the puzzle.
While almost all of them gave their best shot, Carson, who has been known to have practiced puzzles with a 3D printer back home and has also won a puzzle challenge previously, earned his win and a visit to the sanctuary. He chose to take Yam Yam along with him.
At the Survivor sanctuary, both Carson and Yam Yam talked strategy for the next elimination. The latter felt that their ally and fellow Tika member Carolyn was a threat to the game. However, Carson wasn't on board with the idea. He wanted Lauren to be voted out next as he felt she was friends with the jury. While Yam Yam didn't agree, he felt there was nothing he could do to change his ally's mind.
Back at camp, Lauren warned Carolyn about the potential of her allies targeting her. There was a lot of tension as some began to find the idol, while others planned to betray their alliances. Before the Tribal Council, the edit on the show looked like Lauren found the immunity idol.
However, it wasn't the case. At the first elimination round of the finale, Lauren got extremely emotional while talking about the game. She initially felt that no one came to speak to her and she might be the next person voted out.
When Carolyn and Heidi expressed that they did speak to her, Lauren felt that no concrete plan was made with her. She started crying while talking about how proud she was about playing the game and reaching this far.
By the end of the vote read, Lauren received three votes and was eliminated ahead of the finale. She became the seventh member of the jury. The castaways proceeded to the final immunity challenge of the season, where the final four - Carson, Yam Yam, Carolyn, and Heidi - had to go through another rough task.
However, Heidi won the most crucial game of the Survivor season and took the Top 3 spot by winning immunity. However, she decided to still risk her game and play fire alongside the three remaining contestants.
Fans slam Heidi for choosing to make fire on Survivor
Fans were disappointed with Heidi making fire when she already had the immunity to reach the final 3 and convince jury. Check it out.
Some fans felt that the immunity winner shouldn't be allowed to make fire. Check it out.
Season 44 of the series packed intense challenges, twists, advantages and drama in the course of the past two months. With the season coming to an end, the remaining contestants will do their best to ensure they take the title and the cash prize home. Viewers will have to wait and see how it all pans out.
Survivor aired every Wednesday at 8 pm ET on CBS.