On Monday, during the trial of 23-year-old Parkland Shooter, Nikolas Cruz, the alleged gunman’s defense team motioned to have the judge withdrawn from the case. The decision by the defense comes in light of various complications and errors reportedly made by the presiding judge, Elizabeth Scherer.
In 2018, then 19-year-old Nikolas Cruz allegedly killed 17 people with an AR-15 rifle during a mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida. Cruz was a student at the Parkland high school until 2017, when he was expelled for disciplinary issues and threats made to his peers.
According to ABC, Cruz was identified as the shooter through eyewitnesses and CCTV footage. Following the attack, he fled the school, before being arrested and brought into police custody.
The Parkland shooting trial
Nikolas Cruz has pleaded guilty to 17 counts of murder and 17 injuries allegedly perpetrated during the Parkland massacre.
Despite Cruz pleading guilty, the trial has faced a number of bureaucratic complications. According to ABC, Elizabeth Scherer admitted to an error made on April 5, when she said she should not have asked potential jurors if they could follow the law should they be selected to serve on the case. She proceeded to dismiss 11 of them when they said no.
Scherer admitted that this was the wrong course of action, as she should have allowed the defense and prosecution to question the juror candidates before she determined whether or not they would serve the case.
According to Esquire, the defense team filed a motion to delay the case, as this would allow them to use the services of defense attorney Casey Secor, who is currently under “quarantine” due to an unspecified illness. If the case is postponed, Secor will have time to recover and join the rest of the team in defending the accused gunman in the Parkland massacre.
During the case, defense attorney Melisa McNeill had expressed her desire for Casey Secor to join the case.
To which Judge Scherer responded:
“Your client has the right to have a confident lawyer. Your client does not have the right to have every lawyer - five lawyers.”
Melisa McNeil saw Scherer’s denial as a sign that the court was not protecting Cruz’s rights.
Scherer, however, denied the request. After this, according to Local 10, McNeill presented a “motion of disqualification” to remove the judge from the case. This too, was denied.
The ongoing trial of the accused Parkland shooter continues amidst the recent mass shootings in New York, Texas and Oklahoma. When the Parkland massacre was perpetrated, it was one of the largest school shootings in American history.