Japanese anime film producer Koichiro Ito, known for works including Suzume and Your Name, was arrested near his home in Tokyo’s Shibuya ward for allegedly coercing a 15-year-old girl into sending him nude selfies.
The Wakayama Prefectural Police detained the 52-year-old, who worked on some of the most successful anime films, earning the adoration of anime fans throughout the globe.
According to Japan's local newspaper, Mainichi Shimbun, Ito has been accused of violating Japan's Child Prostitution and Pornography Prohibition Act by transferring money to the girl in exchange for the photos. The acclaimed producer's name surfaced during a separate child prostitution investigation.
Popular anime producer Koichiro Ito confessed to soliciting several minors for their nude pictures
On Wednesday, February 21, 2024, anime producer Koichiro Ito was arrested close to his Tokyo residence. As per Tokyo broadcaster TBS, Ito supposedly transferred 12,500 yen, or around $85, to the girl whom he met on social media in exchange for the pictures. Ito's name surfaced during the probe of an adjacent child prostitution case, which led to the discovery of the crime.
The claims made against Koichiro Ito were confirmed to have been acknowledged by NHK, the national broadcaster of Japan. According to ABP News, he told the police he was guilty of the allegations and admitted that on several occasions he had interacted with minors and solicited their nude images.
According to the Mainichi Shimbun, Ito was cited as informing the police
"I had a similar exchange with another person, so I can't remember if it was this girl or not."
The producer listed prospective victims in his statement.
Experts are conducting a thorough investigation into the unfolding events and searching for any further harm that may have occurred. With Ito's admission that he engaged in similar transactions with other minors, concerns have been raised about the need for more stringent procedures to prevent harassment in the anime industry.
The surprising discovery has caused a stir among fans and in the anime industry. Throughout his nearly two decades in the business, Koichiro Ito has been involved with some of the most well-known anime films. Notably, he's recognized for successful films such as renowned filmmaker Makoto Shinkai's Your Name (2016), Weathering With You (2019), and Suzume (2022).