On April 20, Boys Planet aired its final episode, which revealed the nine members who made it to their debut on Boys Planet's ZEROBASEONE. What fans were shocked to find out, however, was that Pentagon's Hui was not making it to his debut. The idol was ranked in 13th place and only the first nine made it to debut.
Fans were aware that the circumstances were a little confusing due to his activities with Pentagon and his debut in ZEROBASEONE will further complicate things. However, the hard work put in by him that fans noticed during the survival show has saddened many. Many also felt that it was obvious for him to make it to the debut list given his extensive skillset and experience on the field.
Fans express mixed reactions to Pentagon's Hui not debuting in Boys Planet's ZEROBASEONE
The initial reactions of many fans when they realized that Boys Planet's debut list didn't have Pentagon's Hui were of shock and surprise. While it's true that the idol has years of prior experience due to his activities with Pentagon, and the years of knowledge he's gained from his debut to the present date, his participation in the survival also showcased his genuine interest in the same.
Throughout several episodes of Boys Planet, Pentagon's Hui never seemed to take the situation for granted. He displayed genuine interest and hard work with sincere efforts to debut alongside his fellow trainees on the survival show. It also made sense to many viewers that Hui deserved a spot among the debuting members. The opposite being reality has upset and even angered a huge mass who were rooting to see a new dimension of Hui.
In light of this, fans have been shooting mixed reactions in relation to the topic at hand. While some stood strong with the opinion that Hui deserved to debut, some argued that his debut would've made things more complicated and quite unfair. Since Hui has been an active K-pop idol for a considerable length of years, his competing with trainees who are just embarking on their idol careers didn't sit comfortably with many.
Regardless, fans have been sending their support to the idol for his hard work throughout Boys Planet not coming to fruition. While most fans are upset that their hopes of the idol debuting into ZEROBASEONE had crashed down, they are looking forward to Hui's continuation of schedules with his K-pop group, Pentagon.
Here are all the Boys Planet trainees who made it to their debut
1) Zhang Hao
2) Sung Han-bin
3) Seok Matthew
4) Ricky
5) Park Gun-wook
6) Kim Tae-rae
7) Kim Gyuvin
8) Kim Ji-woong
9) Han Yu-jin
Fans have also been upset that many of the other trainees who weren't able to make it to their debuts, including Keita, Jay, and more. However, other than a few discomforts and their favorites not popping up on the debut list, fans, on the whole, have been quite happy with the final cut and are looking forward to their promotional activities kickstarting.