Vanderpump Rules, Bravo's long-running reality show revolving around Lisa Vanderpump and her employees, is currently airing season 11. The show recently released episode 5, titled Lake It or Break It, this week on Tuesday, February 27, 2024, which featured the cast making their way to Lake Tahoe for Lisa's restaurant opening.
While most of the storylines still revolve around the aftermath of Tom Sandoval and Rachel Leviss' affair, one furry cast member stole the show in episode 5 after being reunited with his former owner, James Kennedy.
Graham, James and Rachel's (Kennedy's ex-fiance) dog's reintroduction to the audience was one of the golden moments of the show's latest episode. The furry cast member also accompanied the cast to Lake Tahoe.
Fans of the show took to social media to chime in on Graham's return. A netizen, @trinawatters, wrote on X,
"People think it's Ariana but Graham is the real winner of Scandoval."
Vanderpump Rules season 11 fans react to Graham returning to the Bravo show
In the latest episode of Vanderpump Rules season 11, fans saw James bring Graham home, after being reunited with him in episode 4. Last week's episode was an emotional one for James Kennedy, who Lisa Vanderpump informed that the dog he owned with Rachel had been in a foster home for the past two months and had recently been put into a shelter.
James broke down in tears over the news but was delighted to be reunited with his dog and called himself Graham's destiny. The cast member brought him home in Tuesday's episode and introduced him to Ally Lewber and her cat, Mr. Banks.
While Ally was happy about Graham's presence, she told the cameras that Rachel's shadow still lurks in her relationship with James, this time in the form of the dog's presence. Although not dismayed, she also expressed her concerns about Graham's behavior since he needed to be trained.
The Vanderpump Rules season 11 recurring cast member was also worried about whether Graham and Mr. Banks would get along since the cat had never been around a dog before.
Ally further expressed her opinion about Rachel losing her dog after having lost everything and wasn't happy about that. She also told James Kennedy that the latter would have to give him back to Lisa if he didn't behave properly. Later, the two changed the dog's name to Hippie.
Graham/Hippie then made his way to Lake Tahoe in style by flying with Lisa Vanderpump in a private jet and pajamas. The cast was taken aback by Graham's presence and discussed it during the Vanderpump Rules After Show.
Tom stated that when he saw the dog in Lake Tahoe, his first thought was to talk to Rachel immediately. Katie noted that she saw the picture online and wondered who it was. Ariana initially thought Lisa had a new dog.
Fans took to social media to react to the segment and chimed in on the dog situation.
Vanderpump Rules season 11 will return next week with a brand new episode on Bravo.