Revenge of Others is an upcoming K-Drama on Disney Plus’ slate. The show is all set to premiere on November 9 and will not be broadcast on Korean television channels. This is unlike other series such as Snowdrop.
A Disney Plus original, the number of episodes Revenge of Others will offer has not been revealed yet. The promos for the show have, however, been released by the streaming platform. For instance, a still from the series was recently shared on social media, which revealed the release date of the show.
Revenge of Others is written by Lee Hee-myung, who has done the same for a number of other popular K-Dramas. The writer debuted with Dinosaur Teacher in 1993. Since then, he has worked on shows such as Rooftop Prince, A Girl Who Sees Smell, Beautiful Gongshim and most recently Into the World Again. Revenge of Others is directed by Kim Yoo-jin.
Plot line of Revenge of Others
The synopsis of the show is as follows:
"Ok Chan-mi (Shin Ye-Eun) is a 19-year-old high school student. She used to be a shooter for a high school team. One day, Ok Chan-mi's twin brother dies. She chases after the truth related to his death. She gets involved with Ji Soo-heon (Lomon). On behalf of bullied students, Ji Soo-heon takes revenge on their tormentors."
The trailer of the show adds more details to the plot of the show. For one, it is clear that Chan-mi will work alongside Soo-heon — played by Lomon — in an attempt to identify the person behind the death of her twin brother. The latter, on the other hand, seems extremely cautious around her.
In fact, the trailer also hints at some tension between Chan-mi and Soo-heon. Additionally, there will also be a confrontation between the two characters, which will not be lighthearted.
The theme of the show, in fact, is alluded to in one of the first posters of Revenge of Others. It features a gun to indicate the significance of violence within the universe of the series. The high-school building is placed right on top of the firearm in a manner that hints at the prevalence in the institution.
The first trailer for Revenge of Others goes into further detail, expanding on why Chan-mi transferred schools. It also adds pieces of information about her brother’s death, including the fact that he died after falling from a window of his high-school building.
The word being used here is "falling" and not "jumping" because Chan-mi believes that her brother was murdered. In fact, she yells at the cops and tells them to “catch the culprit!” It is when they are unable to do the same that she transfers into his school in Revenge of Others.
She goes a step further and threatens the perpetrator in the school hallway, saying:
“Listen up, you murderer. I will catch you no matter what.”
It also becomes clear that Chan-mi is as cautious about Soo-heon as he is of her. However, he wants to help her and claims to be connected to her brother’s case.
He says in the trailer for Revenge of Others:
“After seeing that he fell, I called the police.”
This input is what leads to Chan-mi’s curiosity getting piqued. She also asks him if he is suspicious of anyone in school. Chan-mi understands that danger lurks everywhere around her, and yet, she refuses to back down. In fact, she states firmly,
“Until the culprit is caught, everyone in front of me is the culprit.”
Luckily, those looking to watch the series won't have to wait too long.