On Wednesday, February 22, BTS’ RM shared an Instagram story where he revealed that he received the Andiamo bag from Bottega Veneta’s summer collection of 2023. This led fans to speculate that it could be an invitation to the brand’s show in Milan.
Fans have been speculating for a long time that RM will soon become a brand ambassador for the brand as he was seen wearing its wardrobe several times. According to them, the invitation indicates that the idol may attend the Bottega Veneta show during Milan Fashion Week in Italy on February 25.
As Kim Namjoon posted the invitation on his Instagram story, fans could not keep calm and started trending "RM X BOTTEGA VENETA" on Twitter.
Fans speculate BTS’ RM would be perfect to be Bottega Veneta's ambassador
It’s a longtime wish of many fans that Kim Namjoon joins Bottega Veneta as its ambassador because of the number of instances he was seen wearing their outfit. Even in his first-ever solo album, Indigo, he wore the brand’s wardrobe collection.
Also, during the promotions of Indigo, be it with Pharrell for Rolling Stone or singing gracefully in the museum, the idol wore many clothing pieces from the brand. He was also spotted wearing a long trench coat and inner clothing by Bottega Veneta while attending the Grammys in 2020.
Fans are certain that he will attend the brand’s fashion show in Italy on February 25 and will soon be announced as the brand ambassador because of the ongoing rumors and idol’s love for the brand. Many feel that he would be the best fit for the role and would elegantly represent the meaning and fashion statement of the brand.
Many fans want to see RM attend the brand’s fashion week and reveal everything they anticipate.
Bottega Veneta’s Creative Director Matthieu Blazy and Chief Marketing Officer Dario Gargiulo have started following Kim Namjoon on his Instagram, raising suspicion of the possible partnership the fans anticipate.
Italian luxury brand Bottega Veneta has been in operation since 1966 and is known for products including branded clothes, shoes, accessories, handbags, and elegant jewelry. Ready-to-wear clothes are another major product of the brand.
More about Kim Namjoon
The leader of BTS, RM, is known for his unbeatable rapping skills and humble personality. He’s been in the K-pop industry for over a decade, and with his leadership qualities, he has climbed the ladders of success. Many fans have praised the idol for staying humble and kind even after receiving so much success.
RM recently released his first-ever solo album Indigo, which consists of ten tracks with ten tracks. According to the idol, Indigo talks about his life and what he felt during his 20s, where he felt lost many times but kept going because he wanted to.
Indigo was recently crowned the third longest charting album ever by a Korean soloist on Billboard’s World Albums in eleven weeks and hasn’t left the Top 10’s chart since its release.