Rock Camp, a highly intriguing comedy series, is currently in the works under the banner of Fox Entertainment Studios. It is all set to be a single-camera comedy series. Steve Basilone, who has previously served as the writer of The Michael J. Fox Show and Community, has acted as the writer for the upcoming Fox comedy series.
Ever since the news of Fox's Rock Camp was dropped, the audience has been eagerly waiting to see what the arresting comedy series will bring to the table. Without further ado, let's dive right in and find out more details about the upcoming new comedy series.
Fox's latest comedy series Rock Camp will revolve around a struggling rock star
Rock Camp is the Fox Network's latest project in the comedy genre. It will reportedly arrive before the premiere of the Joel McHale starrer Animal Control, which makes its debut in February. The series will join a long list of immersing Fox Network series, including Welcome To Flatch and Call Me Kat.
The exciting upcoming comedy project is hilariously woven and chronicles the story of a rock star currently facing trouble in his career and is extremely down on his luck. The struggling rock star will be seen frigidly going to teach at a summer camp named Rock Camp after going through a series of several unfortunate incidents.
It is indeed an interesting summer camp as it is a place where any individual can fulfill their dream or desire of shredding right next to their favorite rock stars, their idols, so that they can eventually bring satisfaction to a court mandate and finally save their reputations.
Thus, it is clear that the upcoming Fox comedy series is bound to take the audience on a highly entertaining and fascinating rollercoaster journey.
The series' writer Steve Basilone has also served as the executive producer for Rock Camp, along with Jeff Rowe and the founder of Rock and Roll Fantasy Camp, David Fishof.
David Fishof began the classic Rock and Roll Fantasy Camp in 1997 after being professionally associated with musical legends such as Ringo Starr, The Monkees, Roger Daltrey, Peter Frampton, and Joe Walsh. Since then, he has helped over 6,000 individuals accomplish their rock star dreams.
Previously, Fishof had also come together with Mark Burnett to make a musical reality show for the popular VH1 Channel. The reality show ran for a total of two seasons.
Rowe, another executive producer for the upcoming series, is Rock and Roll Fantasy Camp's adviser and has also produced a recent documentary film about it.