Samuel Irvin, a 23-year-old police officer with the Mansfield Police tragically lost his life on July 23, 2023. Authorities have not yet revealed the cause of death of the Columbus resident. Irvin had only recently become a police officer and had been teaching prior to that.
A GoFundMe page was started for Irvin by Mikaela Santucci and aimed to raise $40,000 for his family. The page stated that Samuel was expecting a child in February 2024 with his fiancé Kenzie Santucci. At the time of writing this article, the page had exceeded its initial target as it had raised $59,974 from 700 donations.
Friends and colleagues mourn the death of Samuel Irvin
Samuel Irvin was a former high school sports star, having played basketball, football, and baseball as a student at Northern Burlington Regional High School. He graduated high school in 2018. Irvin was baseball captain in high school and college as well as an America Second-Team Academic All-American for Baseball.
After graduating high school, Irvin secured an associate’s degree from Mercer County Community College. Following this, he was awarded a bachelor’s degree in criminal justice from Wilmington University.
He was employed as a permanent substitute high school teacher at his alma mater before he graduated from Gloucester County Police Academy. Irvin became a part of the Mansfield police in February 2023.
Andrew Kearns, the principal of Irvin's school, said that the school staff are in shock and disbelief at the news. He added that Samuel Irvin was liked by students and faculty alike and that he often stayed late to ensure that his students boarded their buses.
The New Journey Police Honour Legion made a statement on social media regarding Irvin’s death. The statement said that they were sending their deepest condolences to the Mansfield Police Department and to Samuel Irvin's family. It added that Samuel passed away "unexpectedly on Sunday, July 23, 2023, following a medical emergency."
“Sam had served with Mansfield PD since February 2023. Rest in peace, brother,” the statement said.
The GoFundme page for Irvin states that Irvin was a "wonderful son, brother, fiancé, friend, and expecting father" who was a light to the whole community. It added that he had recently graduated Police Academy and was a new addition to the Mansfield Township Police Department and he was excited about the same. The description also reads that Samuel was very dedicated to serving the community while making the world a better place.
A funeral service for Samuel Irvin is set to be organized on Saturday, July 29, 2023, from 11 am to 1 pm at Columbus Baptist Church, 24260 West Main Street, Columbus.
Additional details about the police officer's death are yet to be released.