Netflix's popular reality show Single's Inferno is back with its third season with its fair share of tantalizing drama and plot twists. The show's hosts include model and actor Lee Da-hee, comedian Hong Jin-kyung, singer Kyuhyun, rapper Hanhae, and Kim Jin-young, aka Dex. However, in the latest season 3, the panelists in the most recent shows couldn't stop talking about how endearing and special Yun Ha-jeong was.
Yun Ha-jeong was made fun of by Lee Gwan-hee in an unreleased video that was shown on Netflix Korea's YouTube account for performing while they were awaiting a helicopter to travel to the other island after their initial date. Ha-jeong said that she believed the scene resembled a set from a K-pop music video of IVE's I AM, which is why she began to dance to make an Instagram reel.
She posted the dance she was referring to on Instagram two days following the public release of the video. Netizens shared her Instagram reel across X (formerly Twitter) and did not spare a minute reacting to her endearing personality.
"The most interesting person on the season": Netizens hail Single's Inferno contestant Yun Ha-jeong for her adorable attributes
In its third season, Netflix's reality dating series, Single's Inferno, features more drama and romance than ever before. Particularly, one competitor is receiving a lot of affection and attention. Yun Ha-jeong is one of the 12 single and eager-to-date competitors who is becoming quite popular.
Yun Ha-jeong's self-assurance and "chin tuck" flirtatious approach made a powerful first impression. The audience and Single's Inferno panelists found her and Gwan-hee's adorable banter and chemistry endearing, as she and contestant Lee Gwan-hee seemed to click right away in the reality show.
Furthermore, Ha-jeong has demonstrated a new appeal with every episode. She may come off as cool and collected, but she also has a sense of humor, which is praised by netizens and the show's viewers. The panelists of Single's Inferno in the most recent shows couldn't stop talking about how endearing and special Yun Ha-jeong was.
In one episode, she was seen talking with the other candidates while casually resting on the ground with her feet up against the wall in one clip. Netizens came to X to share their views and admiration for Ha-jeong for being so endearing in the show.
The fundamental notion of the Netflix program, Single's Inferno, blends the concepts of battling for their targeted love interest and survival shows. The task for the participants is to escape the island where they have been abandoned. The shooting site is around one hour away from Seoul, South Korea.
Through overcoming obstacles and getting to know one another over the course of the season, twelve single people are supposed to find love on this island. The show's ability to capture awkward situations between participants and the ways in which friendship and love were developed is what makes it special.
Single's Inferno season 3 aired on Netflix on December 12, 2023, and will run until January 9, 2024.