Shubhneet Singh, the Punjabi-Canadian rapper known by his stage name Shubh, is all set to embark on his highly anticipated Still Rollin India Tour, marking his first-ever live performance in the country. The month-and-a-half-long tour, starting in September 2023, will take him to a total of 10 cities across the country. The tour is presented under the banner of Bollyboom and produced by Percept Live, Spacebound, and Team Innovation.
The 24-year-old trailblazing artist's Still Rollin India Tour is part of his larger World Tour, which will see him perform in multiple countries including the UK, UAE, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, and the USA. However, India holds a special place in the singer's heart, as he shares Indian descent and considers India his home in more ways than one.
This tour is, therefore, a homecoming for him, and he is eager to kick off his debut in the live arena domain in a country that has significantly contributed to his artistic growth and creativity.
Joji George, the CEO of Percept Live, expressed their commitment to providing a platform for South Asian artists, supporting the burgeoning Indian music industry, and promoting desi talent.
Bollyboom, a Percept Intellectual Property, has been at the forefront of offering an eclectic blend of music, dance, and live entertainment, featuring numerous popular artists over the past decade.
Shubh Still Rollin India Tour will take place between September and November 2023
The tour dates for the Still Rollin India Tour have been revealed, and tickets are already available for purchase on BookMyShow's official website. Prices for tickets start at ₹800 and upwards, making the concerts accessible to his widespread fan base.
Here are the tour dates:
- 23rd September 2023 – Bengaluru
- 30th September 2023 – Gurgaon
- 1st October 2023 – Hyderabad
- 6th October 2023 – Chandigarh
- 7th October 2023 – Ludhiana
- 8th October 2023 – Ahmedabad
- 13th October 2023 – Jaipur
- 3rd November 2023 – Mumbai
- 4th November 2023 – Kolkata
- 5th November 2023 - Pune
With his immense talent, global recognition, and dedicated fan base, Shubh is all set to make his mark on the Indian live music scene and leave a lasting impact on his audiences during the Still Rollin India Tour.
Shubh's rise to fame
Shubh gained immense popularity in 2021 when his breakout single We Rollin went viral and accumulated over 201 million views on YouTube. Subsequently, his singles Elevated, Offshore, and Baller also made it to the Billboard Canadian Hot 100.
Earlier this year, he released his debut four-track album, Still Rollin. Shubh is one of the highest-streamed Indian artists with over 12 lakh monthly listeners on Spotify.
His music has garnered praise from various celebrities, including the likes of Virat Kohli and Ranveer Singh, who have generously endorsed his work on social media. The 24-year-old's music is renowned for its seamless blend of western and eastern influences, making it resonate with a diverse audience.
With a captivating stage presence and a soulful voice, the singer has won the hearts of music enthusiasts across the globe.