MTV aired episode 2 of Ex On The Beach Couples this Thursday, February 16, at 9 pm ET.
In the episode, Spari's ex-girlfriend Ri arrived at the villa with an "open mind" to see if she and the former could get back together, despite knowing that Shayla was his girlfriend. The two ladies spoke about Ri's past relationship and she was shocked to learn that Spari had dated her and Shayla at the same time.
Spari did not tell Shayla the complete truth about his past relationship. The latter blamed all of their problems on Ri, stating that she was the one hiding stuff and not Spari. In the shack of secrets, however, Ri shared screenshots of many messages sent by Spari.
These included Ri's private pictures, with Spari confessing that he was still in love with her. Ri also revealed that she and Spari had gone on a carriage ride together recently, where they had kis*ed.
Spari defended himself by saying that many apps could form fake chats and that he did not remember what happened on the carriage ride, saying it was merely a place where he hung out after work.
Shayla could not believe this and said that he should have told her the truth before they came on the show. Host Kamie Crawford advised Shayla to ask the truth from "her man" as she felt that Spari was not telling the complete truth.
Before leaving, the couple decided to hold hands. Ex On The Beach Couples fans were shocked that Shayla did not ask Spari more questions and instead believed his lies.
Ex On The Beach Couples fans shocked by Spari's excuses
Ex On The Beach Couples fans praised host Kamie for giving Shayla good advice. They also slammed Shayla for not breaking up with Spari, despite knowing that he was chatting with his ex-girlfriend the entire time.
What happened on Ex On The Beach Couples episode 2?
MTV's description of the episode, titled You're Breaking my Heart, reads:
"The couples settle into the villa, but the vacation is over when the first exes check in; Liam learns the heartbreaking reality about Leylah and her ex; the first Shack reveals some eye-opening truths and welcomes some surprise."
This week, Leylah shocked the other contestants by fighting her ex-boyfriend Samura when he helped Ri get down the stairs. She said that it hurt her when he talked to other girls, despite the fact that she was in a relationship with Liam. It was later revealed that she had slept with him just a couple of weeks before the show began.
MTV airs fresh episodes of Ex On The Beach Couples every Thursday at 9 pm ET.