The Family Stallone premiered on MTV on Thursday, May 18, with two half-hour-long episodes. The series features the lives of the family members of Sylvester Stallone, who is known for his acting work in legendary films like Rocky, Rambo, and The Expendables. The cast members of The Family Stallone include his third wife Jennifer Flavin Stallone and their daughters Sophia, Sistine, and Scarlet.
Fans were amused by the series premiere, which featured many chaotic moments between the family members. In one of the episodes, Sylvester was seen celebrating his birthday when his daughter Sistine pranked him by announcing that she is pregnant.
Sylvester was shocked by this and kept on saying "no, no, no," which made the family laugh very hard.
Other than that, the girls also shared stories of their boyfriends being scared of their dad and him not accepting that they are grown up now. Sylvester even said that he could not even imagine his daughters raising kids.
He gave his daughter Sophia some dating advice, which influenced her to break up her long-distance relationship with a man in New York. Other than that, Sylvester was also seen hanging out with legendary actor Al Pacino, teaching him how to take a selfie.
Fans compared The Kardashians show to The Family Stallone and felt that the latter was "much better" than the former.
Fans say The Family Stallone is a "cute" show
Fans were impressed with the series premiere of the adorable show featuring Sylvester Stallone as a girl dad. Some fans even said that The Family Stallone was their new favorite series.
What happened on The Family Stallone episodes 1 and 2?
Sylvester returned from his shoot in Oklahoma after many months to spend time with his family. He celebrated his birthday with them and even joked about his wife's "disastrous cakes." He was shocked when Sistine announced that she was pregnant and said in a confessional that he might destroy the whole place.
Sophia talked to her father about her ongoing long-distance relationship with a man in New York. She was unsure about how things would work between them and Sylvester advised her to invest her time only on people she wanted.
This made her realize what she had to do and she broke up with her boyfriend. Later, Sophia was seen flirting with another man in a club, where her sisters made fun of her.
The girls were also glad to meet Sylvester's brother Frank, whom they had not seen in a long time.
The Family Stallone airs on MTV every Monday at 9 pm ET. Fans can also stream the series on Paramount +.