On Wednesday, December 13, Stray Kids Felix and Hyunjin were spotted at the Incheon International Airport along with their fellow members to board their plane to the Philippines to attend the Asia Artist Award 2023. As fans excitedly sent them off, several videos and images of the members at the airport. One such video particularly garnered a lot of attention due to Stray Kids Felix and Hyunjin's hilarious reactions.
As the members were making their way through the airport, there were several fans surrounding the K-pop idols and moving along with them. One of the fanboys from the crowd yelled Stray Kids Felix's Korean name and showered him with compliments.
"OMG, Yongbok-hyun. Your are so handsome, yeah.."
Upon hearing the same, both Hyunjin and Felix were seen trying to hold in their laughter. Soon enough, Hyunjin was urged to make a joke about it and mockingly whispered to Felix,
"Yongbok hyung.."
Fans loved the moment so much and couldn't stop talking about how hilarious and adorable it was.
Fans can't stop talking about Stray Kids Felix and Hyunjin's adorable reaction to a fanboy at airport
Following the announcement of the Asia Artist Awards 2023, which is scheduled for December 14, several artists who've been nominated for the same have begun to board their planes to the Philippines, the venue of the award ceremony. Naturally, Stray Kids, who were not only nominated for the award show's Male Singer Popularity Award category but also scheduled to perform at the event, were spotted at the Incheon International Airport on their way to board their flight.
Given that it was an expected schedule, there were naturally many fans gathered at the airport to see the K-pop idols and send them off to the Philippines. From the many fan-taken videos of the Stray Kids members making their way through the airport that landed on the internet, one moment caught the attention of the netizens, and they couldn't stop talking about it.
While it's no surprise that Stray Kids also has male fans, people have always found the interaction between the members and their fanboys quite adorable and hilarious. Therefore, when someone from the crowd yelled Stray Kids Felix's Korean name in an excited and deep voice, both Hyunjin and Felix were visibly trying to hold in their laughter, shocked by the person's loud and excited compliments.
Following the comment, another fan-taken video revealed that Hyunjin was whispering to Felix and calling him "Yongbok hyung" in an adorable manner to make fun of the whole situation. The two continued to maintain their composure and not let out a laugh, especially Stray Kids Felix, but fans could immediately sense that the two members loved the moment.
As fans continued to talk about how cute the interaction was, they also talked about being excited and looking forward to Stray Kids' performance at the Asia Artist Awards 2023.
The much-awaited award ceremony is scheduled to take place on December 14 at the Phillipines Arena. The show is also hosted by three exciting MCs: IVE's Wonyoung, ZEROBASEONE's Sung Hanbin, and K-pop soloist Kang Daniel. Additionally, with several artists lined up for the event, such as BSS, THE BOYZ, Lee Youngji, Dreamcatcher, etc., fans have been eagerly looking forward to the same.