The upcoming historical and action drama Song of the Bandits, featuring Kim Nam-gil as the main lead, has generated much excitement within the K-Drama community. The latest trailer showcases the actor gripping a gun, symbolizing his struggle for survival during the Japanese occupation in 1920 – an era dominated by bandits, piquing the curiosity of fans.
The action-packed trailer and captivating poster have become the talk of the town. The drama's storyline intensifies the anticipation among fans. Observing the impressive casting line-up for Song of the Bandits and Kim Nam-gil in his new role, fans believe they will witness something extraordinary. With a well-crafted and enthralling storyline, the drama promises a phenomenal viewing experience.
Kim Nam-gil will be transforming into a bandit to ensure his survival in Song of the Bandits
Release date
Song of the Bandits will premiere on September 22, 2023, with nine episodes on Netflix. It is directed by Hwang Jun-hyeok and written by Han Jeong-hoon.
The drama showcases a time when Japan seized control of Joseon and established its colonization. Joseon's populace had to relocate to endure the worsening conditions.
Among them, a group of travelers embarked on a journey to the lawless region of Jiandao in China (known as Gando in Korean). Here, they chose to settle and gradually achieved self-sufficiency to shield themselves from the invading forces.
As time passed, these travelers transformed into a band of resourceful individuals who banded together for mutual protection and resorted to thievery as a means of survival.
Song of the Bandits features a star-studded cast, including Kim Nam-gil, Seohyun, Yoo Jae-myung, along with Lee Hyun-wook, and Lee Ho-jung.
Kim Nam-gil as Lee Yoon
Kim Nam-gil will portray the role of a Korean enlisted in the Japanese military in South Korea who finds himself compelled to abandon his life and journey to Jiandao, China, where he embraces a bandit's role in safeguarding the local settlement and its inhabitants.
Seohyun as Nam Hee-shin
Concealing her true identity, Seohyun portrays Nam Hee-shin, who assumes the role of a section chief within the railway bureau under the Japanese-controlled Korean government.
Yoo Jae-myung as Lee Chung-soo
Yoo Jae-myung's character will document the story of Lee Chung-soo, once an army commander in Korea's independence movement, who presently leads the Korean settlement in Jiandao.
Lee Hyun-wook as Lee Gwang-Il
Lee Hyun-wook takes on the role of Lee Kwang-il, a cunning Japanese military officer whose involvement with Lee Yoon results in a tumultuous relationship.
Lee Ho-jung as Eon Nyeon
Playing Eon Nyeon-i, Lee Ho-jung portrays a proficient contract killer with exceptional firearms expertise. She journeys to Jiandao to assassinate Lee Yoon.
Song of the Bandits's trailer begins with an audacious action scene that illustrates the lawless expanse of Gando in China during 1920. In this land, Japanese currency and Joseon citizens have converged. The united bandits, including Kim Nam-gil and others, strive to establish a semblance of order, fighting fiercely to protect their valued belongings while navigating the harsh, sandstorm-ridden terrain on horseback.
Having seen the recently released poster and trailer for Kim Nam-gil's Song of the Bandits, K-drama fans eagerly anticipate the show's premiere.