Following the reveal of Song Joong-ki's relationship with British woman Katy Louise Saunders in December 2022, it was recently announced that the two are ready to tie the knot. On Monday, January 30, 2023, the actor made the announcement through a letter to his fans.
Following the announcement, fans were excited and had many questions about the marriage announcement. One of the questions that fans have been constantly asking is whether Song Joong-ki can speak English.
On December 26, 2022, when the actor first mentioned his British girlfriend, he also showed remarkable improvement in his English, especially with respect to his communication skills.
Many suspected that this might not just be a coincidence, and believed that Song Joong-ki's girlfriend is most likely helping him better learn the language. It is also worth noting that Katy Louise is supposedly an English language teacher and speaks Korean, helping fans connect the dots effortlessly.
Song Joong-ki's impressive improvement in English shocks fans
As an actor, Song Joong-ki has played multiple roles that demand that he have English skills, and he has always executed it impressively. While his language skills were impressive in his roles, they came from practice, and fans have only seen it during his shows.
However, since he confirmed that he was dating Katy Louise, fans have noticed that he has been speaking in well-constructed sentences often.
As mentioned earlier, the actor is seen as almost fluent in his K-dramas including Reborn Rich, Vincenzo, and Descendants Of The Sun. However, it came with practice and dedication as opposed to innate fluency. Fans also said that the actor was seen having issues producing sentences in English in certain videos.
Song Joong-ki first showed off his ear-fluent English skills during the 50th Emmy Awards. As a presenter of the Directorate Award, he walked up on the stage and for nearly three minutes, spoke in English without stuttering or any hesitations. He also made the audience laugh at his jokes and on the whole, the actor left his fans stunned.
During his presence at Reborn Rich's Singapore Press Conference, the 37-year-old actor's sentence construction had improved even more. The way he answered questions in English as well was quite impressive and seemed effortless to fans.
They noticed that his sentences were simple and he still spoke with a Korean accent but was able to clearly describe his character in Reborn Rich in English. However, when he became uncomfortable with English, the actor went back to speaking in Korean.
All that being said, to answer the question of whether or not Song Joong-ki can speak English, he can speak and understand the language to an extent. However, he isn't fluent in the language just yet.
Now, given that his girlfriend is British, it is believed that a lot of Song Joong-ki's day-to-day conversations will involve English and help him improve his language and communication skills.
The pace at which his English has improved in just a few months, fans have no doubt that the actor will be fluent in the next few months.
Upon hearing the news that the actor and his girlfriend are also expecting a child, fans rejoiced at the news and showered the two with their love and support. As more and more K-drama actors bring their on-screen magic to real life, fans can't help but swoon at the same.