Adult Swim's new animated superhero show titled My Adventures With Superman is set to release on July 6, 2023. The new show will go back to the drawing board and mark the return of the beloved Clark Kent aka. Superman and his human love interest Lois Lane.
Jack Quaid will voice Superman, while journalistic prodigy Lois Lane will be voiced by Alice Lee. The title will also feature a third main character named Jimmy Olsen, who will be mentored by Lois Lane. Olsen will be voiced by Ishmel Sahid.
The trailer for the show was recently released and it received a favorable response from fans online. The title sequence for the show also received a ton of love as fans compared it to the opening of an anime title.
My Adventures With Superman opening title sequence floors netizens
My Adventures With Superman will drop two episodes during its premiere and then one new episode every Thursday. The new episodes will also be reaired on Fridays at 7:00 pm ET/PT on Adult Swim. They will also be broadcasted on Saturdays at midnight on Toonami.
Fans are now eagerly waiting for the pilot of the show to drop after being left impressed with its opening title sequence. Several individuals took to the comments section of a post shared by Discussing Film to express their thoughts about the same.
Fans are expecting to witness a masterpiece as some of them even drew comparisons with another Prime Video animated show titled Invincible. This is because both shows were produced by the same team.
Sam Register, the President of Warner Bros. Animation and Cartoon Network Studios spoke highly of the upcoming show.
"It’s been a great partnership working with Cartoon Network and HBO Max to bring more DC Super Heroes to the platform in new and creatively interesting ways. This is the first animated Superman series in many years and we want to tell our Superman story through the trio of Clark, Lois and Jimmy – whose relationship dynamic will allow for rich, serialized and engaging stories as we explore their lives as individuals and their journey together as friends," he said.
Superman is one of the most nostalgic superheroes ever created and fans can't wait to see what the title brings to the table.
My Adventures With Superman will be released on July 6, 2023, on Adult Swim.