The first trailer for this year's upcoming horror film, Tarot, was dropped earlier today, giving viewers a look at the menacing world of Tarot card reading. Led by a young cast comprising stars like Harriet Slater, Adain Bradley, Avantika, and Jacob Batalon, the horror film is all set to put on some serious scares amidst a familiar premise.
The trailer for the film seems to depict a format that we have seen time and again in horror films of the past. But last year's Talk To Me proved that even common premises can lead to exceptional results.
The film is helmed by Spenser Cohen & Anna Halberg, who have written and directed the film.
Tarot is slated to premiere in theatres across the United States on May 10, 2024.
Tarot trailer teases a series of bloody deaths in an eventful ritual
Going by the film's first trailer, it has many similarities to last year's Talk To Me. From the shots of friends sitting together exploring a forbidden ritual to the gradual descent into chaos, the film has many thematic and visual similarities to the Philippou brothers' film.
The trailer also does not hold back on the horror elements, with various jump scares at every end.The sound design is also in the curve of conventional horror film scores, implying that this film does not plan to stand out with its stylistic or plot elements but may shine with the execution, perhaps the most crucial aspect of any horror film.
The official synopsis for the film was also revealed alongside the trailer. It reads:
"When a group of friends recklessly violates the sacred rule of Tarot readings – never use someone else’s deck – they unknowingly unleash an unspeakable evil trapped within the cursed cards. One by one, they come face to face with fate and end up in a race against death to escape the future foretold in their readings."
The upcoming film does not feature any big names on the roaster but features a cast of talented actors who have all proven themselves in the field. This will likely also mean that the budget for the film is meager.
Talk To Me was set on a budget of only $4.5 million and ended up earning above $92 million at the box office, a success that most upcoming horror films will try to replicate.
The film reportedly began production as Horrorscope but later changed the name to Tarot.
It also went through a change of release date, being moved to May 10 instead of the originally planned June 28.