The upcoming reality show, The Activist, is being slammed by the public on social media before its premiere. The general discontent is rooted in the show's premise, as several people have claimed that the show aims to gamify activism. In a recent tweet, actress Jameela Jamil wrote,
“Couldn’t they just give the money it’s going to take to pay this UNBELIEVABLY expensive talent and make this show, directly to activist causes? Rather than turning activism into a game and then giving a fraction of the much needed money away in a ‘prize…?’ People are dying.”
Apart from the show's premise, critics have highlighted problems with co-host Priyanka Chopra Jonas' involvement. One Instagram user questioned why Chopra was a judge of The Activist, considering her selective vocalization of discontent against social evils.
Chopra vocally supported the Black Lives Matter movement when she was in India. But she remained conveniently silent on the nationwide protests against farm bills, the anti-CAA movement, and brutal lynchings of minorities happening close to home.
Children’s book writer Sruthi Vijayan said the show is a sham because activism is not a social media game. While social media can aid fundraising for particular causes, she added that internet engagement is not a viable metric to judge activism.
Auditioning cast member slams The Activist for being "manufactured for Hollywood"
Twitter user Clover Hogan allegedly auditioned for the reality show. She later tweeted about her experience, claiming that she was approached to appear on The Activist. A producer for the show called and said they were searching for activists working with the environment, health, education, and reducing world hunger.
Hogan said she asked some direct questions for clarification, but the production team completely avoided them. The producer allegedly said that her questions would be answered on a different call. Hence, Hogan agreed to participate in the discussions further.
According to her, this was the worst interview of her life. She claimed to have disclosed all the details about her life but was asked to repeat it with more drama. The interviewer kept asking Hogan to add more emotion to her statements. This kept on repeating until she burst into tears.
Hogan was asked about her work at Force of Nature. When she began discussing their research, programs for youth, and other initiatives, she was rudely cut off. It was later disclosed that "the activists" on the show would compete for resources.
The experience was so traumatic that Hogan had to speak to family for some consolation after the interview. She said she tried to forget everything that transpired. But a few weeks later, she received an email invitation to meet the production team, which she refused.
In another tweet on September 11, Hogan said producers were not interested in tackling serious issues. They wanted to manufacture a story for Hollywood.
The Activist is an upcoming reality show on CBS. Deadline reported that six activists will be paired with three well-known public figures. Their goal will be to work as a team to bring changes in health, education, and the environment. Usher, Priyanka Chopra Jonas, and Julianne Hough will be the co-hosts.