Popular reality series Summer House season 7 aired its second part of the reunion episode on Monday, June 5, 2023, at 9 pm ET on Bravo. It documented the cast members reflecting on the season as well as voicing out several of their concerns. The friends spoke in depth about all their impending issues, and while some were successfully able to talk it out, others only took a turn for the worse.
On this week's episode of Summer House reunion, a common consensus amongst fans was their dislike towards Paige, Ciara, and Mya. They felt that the three ladies were constantly ganging up on Lindsay throughout the season, and had no other storylines to contribute, other than laying on bed and talking about her.
One tweeted:
The hit Bravo series has been on the run for seven successful seasons, but the current installment saw a lot of criticism from viewers. Cast members of season 7 include Mya Allen, Amanda Batula, Kyle Cooke, Paige DeSorbo, Lindsay Hubbard, Craig Conover, Ciara Miller, Danielle Olivera, and Carl Radke.
The show also brought in a couple of familiar faces and newcomers, including ory Keefer, Samantha Feher, Gabby Prescod, and Chris Leoni.
Summer House fans unimpressed with Paige, Ciara and Mya
Tonight's episode of Summer House saw the cast members addressing their concerns about several issues that took place throughout the course of the seventh installment of the Bravo series. From strained friendships to personal dynamics, the reunion covered everything.
The official synopsis of the episode, titled Reunion - Part 2, reads:
"Mya reveals new details about her breakup with Oliver; Danielle and Lindsay ponder the end of a 7-year friendship; an emotional standoff between Carl and Kyle has everyone in tears, including Andy."
Summer House viewers, however, weren't impressed with how it became like a session where almost every cast member had an issue with Lindsay. In the first part of the reunion, Paige termed the latter and her fiance Carl's actions pre-meditated and threw several accusations towards Lindsay, including the publicist allegedly throwing a shoe at a producer and being "fake."
Last week, Carl also called out Paige, Ciara and Mya about their backhanded commentary about Lindsay during the season. While Paige expressed that Lindsay had been rude to her and many other women cast members, Ciara and Mya echoed her sentiments. The three ladies also accused the publicist of being rude to several Bravo employees.
However, none of the Summer House cast members had any receipts to back their accusations up, as it was pointed out by viewers. Lindsay also mentioned to Mya and Ciara that she had no issues with them all season and looked like the ladies only voiced their concerns during the reunion episode.
Summer House fans slam Paige, Ciara, and Mya for their behavior toward Lindsay
Fans took to social media to address their concerns with Paige, Ciara, and Mya. They felt that the trio was constantly ganging up on Lindsay and talked badly about her all season. They also pointed out that the ladies only defended Danielle because of their dislike towards Lindsay.
Fans mutually termed the ladies as "bedsores," "bedsore girls," and "bedsore sisters." Check it out.
Fans continued to slam the ladies for their behavior towards Lindsay. Check it out.
Season 7 of the Summer House reunion has been extremely hectic as the cast members tried to resolve their issues. New friendships were formed, other friendships remained in a complicated situation, and tensions remained high. Viewers will have to wait and see what the next installment brings.
The series aired every Monday at 9 pm ET on Bravo.