Opera GX, the free and advanced gaming web browser set up a Pride month logo and shared it on Twitter on June 1, sending netizens into a frenzy. The new logo has an image of two men kissing, inserted behind the red outline of the logo’s original design. The post was shared with the caption:
“here’s a REAL pride month logo”
Previously, in December 2022, the browser’s Twitter account's social media manager claimed that they were 19 years old, and shared a schedule that was supposedly a sarcastic post. The official Twitter handle of the gaming browser is thus known for its hilarious tweets.
So, it wasn’t clear whether Opera GX created a Pride month special logo to actually celebrate the LGBTQIA+ community or to make fun of it.
The social media manager also wrote that business advisors would be retweeting their tweet tomorrow and would call it a brilliant marketing stunt. But in reality, the person claimed that it was just them on their laptop while munching on a few slices of pizza. One user made a pun and wrote that Opera GX is a browser for "gaymers".
Netizens divided over Opera GX's Pride month logo
Opera GX's tweet quickly gained over 3.5 million views within hours and over 21K retweets. Netizens had quite mixed reactions to the Pride month logo of the gaming browser.
One person proceeded to take a screenshot of them uninstalling the Opera browser in an implied attempt of expressing their stances against Pride.
However, GX's operator trolled the person for uninstalling the wrong Opera browser.
As people tried to slam the browser for supposedly advocating homos*xuality, the person running GX's Twitter account seemingly shut them up with witty retorts.
Many people wrote that they love using the gaming browser, and now that it had expressed its support for the LGBTQ+ community, they were going to recommend others to use it as well. GX responded to pretty much all the tweets with hilarious and sarcastic replies.
The social media manager of the browser even shared a screenshot of a funny text exchange where they supposedly texted their "boss" to ask what he thought about the Pride month post. In response, the boss tried to write that the employee was fired, but ended up missing the "d", which made the employee think that the boss liked the post.
But the employer added he sent the "d" in the next message along with an asterisk symbol, conveying that he missed the letter. What's more comical was, the employee shared the screenshot with the caption that their boss loves them.
Opera GX can be downloaded on Windows and features a customizable interface. The user can set either a light or a dark theme, or they can switch between the two. The browser also has extensions and sound effects.
This gaming browser was launched back in June 2019. It is a special version of the original Opera browser and was built specifically for gamers. The official website of the browser claims that Opera GX consumes 80% less RAM storage than one’s standard browser.