The Drew Barrymore Show, the popular talk show hosted by none other than the beloved actress Drew Barrymore, has begun filming and is all set to return for its upcoming fourth season amidst the ongoing SAG-AFTRA and WGA strikes. The news surfaced after Barrymore released a statement announcing the show's return on Instagram.
Part of the statement on the actor's Instagram post reads as follows:
"Making the choice to come back for the first time in this strike for our show, that may have my name on it but this is bigger than just me....I own this choice. We are in compliance with not discussing or promoting film and television that is struck of any kind....I hope for a resolve for everyone as soon as possible....I take a step forward to start season 4 once again with an astute humility."
The decision to return amidst the writers' strikes, when other shows have been halted, made by Barymore and The Drew Barrymore Show, has been getting a lot of negative responses from people all across the world. Many writers have also voiced their protest against the decision.
Drew Barrymore has been called out for justifying the return of The Drew Barrymore Show season 4 amidst the SAG-AFTRA and WGA strikes
The WGA and SAG-AFTRA strikes have caused several productions to come to a standstill as discussions to resolve the issue at hand continue. Thus, beginning the filming for the fourth season of The Drew Barrymore Show at such a sensitive time is seen as a huge drawback for the ongoing protest by many critics, writers, and even audience members.
After Drew Barrymore dropped the Instagram post on her official Instagram account, declaring the return of the show's season 4, many took to Instagram to protest the decision. Take a closer look at some of the responses below:
By the looks of the responses, it is quite understandable that people are calling out the actor for justifying the show's decision to begin shooting without their writers. Many have also expressed their concern regarding the impact this decision is going to make on the ongoing WGA and SAG-AFTRA strikes.
Several individuals fear that if such a big talk show as The Drew Barrymore Show attempts to film without their writers working on the show, other shows may also take the rash decision of following a similar pattern and restart filming.
Thus, as of now, The Drew Barrymore Show is expected to return with season 4 soon. It remains to be seen whether negative responses online bring about any change in the decision to resume filming.