Kanye West has left netizens trolling him after serving sushi on naked women at his birthday party. On June 10, the rapper celebrated his 46th birthday alongside his new partner Biance Censori, his eldest daughter North West, and other party attendees. In photos and videos that have since gone viral across social media platforms, a woman can be seen lying bare on the dining table covered in sushi, which is an ancient Japanese method of serving the said food item. In response to the same, one person wrote online:
In the viral videos, one could see a woman baring it all and lying down on a dining table, face-up. Sushi platters were placed between her legs, on her chest, and torso as well. Netizens also noted how Kanye West’s 10-year-old daughter, North West, was near the dining table. In one video, she appeared shocked by looking at the naked woman on the table. She was also seen grabbing a piece of sushi and giving it to Censori.
However, this is not something Kanye West came up with; the method of serving sushi like this comes from the Japanese Nyotaimori tradition. The concept dates back to the 1600s; it became immensely popular during the Edo period where Japanese warriors and samurais would visit geisha houses to indulge in Nyotaimori, which has often been called an art which combines food and sensuality. However, it is worth noting that s*x is not offered in this practice.
Although women often lie on the table covered in sushi, there is a male alternative to the same as well, called 'Nantaimori.'
Netizens respond to Kanye West taking part in Nyotaimori during his 46th birthday celebrations
Internet users were outraged by what they saw; many who found West's birthday celebrations degrading towards women were not pleased to see the objectifying practice. Netizens slammed the Famous singer relentlessly. A few comments online read:
Kanye West’s name popping up in controversies does not stop here; recently, the rapper-designer hosted a Sunday Service congregation at Los Angeles. Pictures of the same went viral across social media and left many alarmed. One could see guests and choir members wearing white robes and food was served on autopsy-styled tables. No utensils were in sight, and it seems like invitees had to eat the food with their plane hands.
Some dishes which were available included watermelon, chicken, salmon, steak, and ice cream.
At the time of writing this article, West has yet not responded to the backlash.
Kanye West and Bianca Censori tied the knot in a private ceremony back in January; however, the couple do not have a marriage certificate that would make their union legal. The wedding comes just two months after West and his now ex-wife, Kim Kardashian, finalized their divorce.
Censori joined Yeezy’s company back in November 2020. She holds a Masters degree in building design from Melbourne University. She has since become the Head of Architecture for Yeezy. The pair have been spotted by the paparazzi several times since their wedding.