NASA recently left netizens stunned after they announced that they have successfully received a laser beam message from 10 million miles away from the Psyche spacecraft. This apparently implies that NASA has moved a step forward in sending their astronauts to Mars. NASA’s Deep Space Optical Communications (DSOC) claimed that they fired the laser beam message from the Earth in 50 seconds.
As per the organization, the infrared laser beam message was encoded with some data for testing, only to make sure that the experiment worked efficiently. As per the scientists, the laser beam was fired from more than 16 million kilometres away and received by the Hale Telescope at Caltech’s Palomar Observatory in California.
As the organization made the announcement, they stated how they received the good news on November 14. NASA’s Director of Technology Demonstrations, Trudy Kortes explained:
“Achieving first light is one of many critical DSOC milestones in the coming months, paving the way toward higher-data-rate communications capable of sending scientific information, high-definition imagery and streaming video in support of humanity’s next giant leap: sending humans to Mars.”
As the news of the laser beam reaching the Earth from space reached social media, netizens reacted in a hilarious way. One social media user commented and said how the "last place Aliens would like to land" would be America.

Social media users share hilarious reactions as NASA reveals news of laser beam message received from 10 million miles

NASA’s news about the laser beam travelling to the Earth from 10 million miles away has left netizens all excited, as many started reacting to the news hilariously. With many joking about how the signals were sent by aliens, others commented on NASA's next probable step.
As the Instagram account @ladbible posted about the same on the platform, netizens reacted to the same in humorous ways.

NASA also claimed that the ultimate objective is to transmit data at a magnitude 100 times superior to the advanced radio frequency systems employed in the current testing phase.