On Wednesday, November 15, BTS' Jungkook recorded the MCountdown stage for his recently released title track, Standing Next To You. During the pre-recording, the idol sent gifts to the ARMYs, who gathered to support him. When fans revealed the gifts given to them, the internet went feral as they realized the amount of effort and money the idol spent on them.
BTS' Jungkook gifted GOLDEN perfumes to the ARMYs at the MCountdown pre-recording event, and the perfume was made with 24-carat gold flakes.
Additionally, the fragrance of the perfume also focuses on the Tiger Lily, which is the idol's birth flower. Fans fell in love with the perfume and couldn't stop talking about how genius and sweet the gift was.
Fans love BTS Jungkook's GOLDEN perfume gifts for the ARMYs who attended his MCountdown pre-recording
Following the release of BTS' Jungkook's first solo album, GOLDEN, on November 3, the idol has kicked off its promotions by rolling out special stages for music shows.
One of the upcoming music show stages is MCountdown, and on November 15, the idol successfully wrapped up the pre-recording for the same. Given that music shows often gather many Korea-based fans, several ARMYs were present in the audience.
Music shows slowly developed an unsaid tradition where K-pop idols and groups gift their fans with special gifts for attending, and Jungkook was no exception to the trend. The idol had prepared a personalized GOLDEN perfume for the ARMYs present in the audience of MCountdown, which was grandly packaged in a similar aesthetic to his GOLDEN album.
While the packaging looked fancy, fans were all the more shocked when they got a glimpse of the perfume's ingredients. The perfume contained real 24K gold flakes, and the fragrance mainly included Tiger Lily, Amber, and Suede.
Tiger Lily is the birth flower of Jungkook, and he's expressed that the flower is a significant part of him. The idol also got a tattoo of the flower on his arm and named it his favorite tattoo so far.
The perfume packaging also describes how carefully the idol had chosen the ingredients for the gift to his fans. The message sheet that came along with the perfume read:
"Blooming splendidly in a respledent display, just like the flower language that means, "LOVE ME". It resembles autumn, meloncholic yet filled with GOLDEN moments, all captured within. Centered around the fragnance of Tiger Lily that elegantly blooms in this enchanting season, deep amber forms a harmonious and sensual blend with the flowers. ONLY FOR ARMY."
Fans could understand that the gift was both very expensive and involved a lot of effort from the idol's side. Given that Jungkook implemented several meaningful symbols and elements into the gift for ARMYs, fans couldn't help but get teary-eyed at the thoughtful and sweet gesture.
While fans continued to talk about how much the idol must love ARMYs to shower them with such a beautiful and expensive gift, those who weren't able to get their hands on the same sulked over missing out on the limited GOLDEN perfume.