In a groundbreaking revelation, The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon spinoff shed light on a 13-year-old zombie mystery that has captivated fans since the show's inception in 2010. The latest installment of the series delves headfirst into the concept of zombie variants, finally providing answers to how these creatures are made.
While the existence of zombie variants has been hinted at throughout the series, it's now that fans are getting a closer look at the origins and creation of these mutated undead beings. The concept of zombie variants has long intrigued The Walking Dead enthusiasts. The fans have been curious about the zombies infected by the Wildfire virus that have distinct strains that grant them enhanced abilities like super strength, super speed, and increased intelligence.
However, until The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon, the very origins and creation of these mutants remained shrouded in a lot of mystery. Now, fans are closer than ever to unearthing the source of these mutations.
The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon tells fans about the age-old zombie mysteries
One of the pivotal revelations in The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon is that zombie variants are not a natural occurrence but are the result of human intervention. This revelation becomes evident in episode three when Genet takes Codron into a lab where a scientist is conducting experiments on a chained zombie.
In a shocking twist, the zombie breaks free of its restraints, showcasing its superhuman strength, only to meet a gory demise shortly after. This scene implies that Genet's sinister plan involves capturing ordinary zombies and subjecting them to experiments that enhance their abilities, although with a questionable success rate.
The second major revelation revolves around the role of decapitated zombie heads in the creation of variants. In episode five of The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon, Daryl has a flashback to his time with Juno on the Pouvoir ship.
He remembers encountering a lab inside a shipping container containing cages filled with walkers, a chained zombie with enhanced abilities, and a decapitated zombie head suspended in a jar.
Remarkably, this detail aligns with the scene from episode 3 of The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon, cementing the significance of decapitated zombie heads in the process. The specificity of using decapitated heads hints at their involvement in creating the serum responsible for transforming walkers into variants.
Final thoughts
Despite Genet's apparent method for creating zombie variants, it's worth noting that these mutated undead have been observed in both France and the US. This implies that someone, somewhere, has been experimenting with these creatures on a global scale. It raises the question of whether Genet's techniques are widely known in the US or if there are alternative methods for creating zombie variants yet to be unveiled.
The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon has offered crucial insights into a mystery that has spanned several seasons. As the show progresses, fans eagerly anticipate more revelations and concrete answers that may finally put to rest this long-standing enigma surrounding zombie variants.
The show's exploration of this chilling concept has added a new layer of intrigue to the ever-expanding The Walking Dead universe.