The Walking Dead is an iconic television show, and throughout 11 seasons, it has garnered a massive celebrity following. Some of the most prominent superfans of The Walking Dead include guitarist Slash, actor Dave Bautista, and pro wrestler Matt Hardy.
SK Pop had a chance to talk to AEW star Matt Hardy about The Walking Dead, Dexter: New Blood and much more. More specifically, about whether the show should have ended with the 11th season. The entire conversation is available in the link below:
Interview with Matt Hardy: Should The Walking Dead have ended with the 11th season?
Hardy agrees with AMC Networks' decision to end The Walking Dead with the extended eleventh season:
"I suppose it is. I mean 11 seasons is unprecedented in this day and age, especially considering the length of their seasons as well. I thoroughly enjoyed the run," said Matt Hardy.
What Drew Matt Hardy to The Walking Dead? Hardy, who's a big fan of Dexter and films like Deadpool, is a fan of the escapism aspect of the show:
"I am a big fan of any serious television that tells a good story. And kind of allows you to escape. It's kind of like a wrestling fan watching pro wrestling. That's what we do. We offer an escape for people. So, my preference is to watch a serious television show," added Matt Hardy.
While many fans dropped off when the protagonist of The Walking Dead, Rick Grimes, left the show in Season 9, Matt Hardy stuck around to the end:
"The Walking Dead was very enjoyable. I enjoyed it from the beginning to the very end. It sucks that it has to go away but sometimes the story is complete and sometimes, you have to move on to something new," added Matt Hardy.
With only 16 episodes to go until the series concludes, The Walking Dead's run may have ended. But AEW star Matt Hardy continues from strength to strength in his pro wrestling career. Be sure to catch him every week on Eurosport.