Brian Cox, known for his role as patriarch Logan Roy in HBO's Succession, recently lent his support to actors protesting against unfair pay and the possible use of technology to replace talents. He was joined by Simon Pegg and Hayley Atwell at the London Equity rally, as he spoke about the need to regulate the big studio system.
This rally comes shortly after the start of the Writers Guild of America strike, which began in May 2023, halting many productions and studio works in the process.
Apart from the unfair wages offered to actors due to the reduced number of episodes, Cox highlighted how he thought AI could impact the industry in the future, possibly rendering everyone jobless.
Brian Cox told the assembly:
"The wages are one thing, but the worst aspect is the whole idea of AI and what AI can do to us... [A fellow actor] He was told in no unfirm terms that they would keep his image and do what the f*** they like with it,...Now that is a completely unacceptable position. And that is the position that we should really be fighting against because that is the worst aspect."
He added:
"And the artificially intelligent Brian Cox was going to do animal impersonations. I’ve never done a f***ing animal impersonation in my life and I wouldn’t know where to f***ing begin. This was really interesting, this stuff that was coming off AI about me and I thought, this is weird and really a little scary,"
Cox also elaborated on how this strike could affect "British Equity far worse than it will probably affect SAG-AFTRA." Other actors like Hayley Atwell and David Oyelowo also emphasized Cox's point in the rally.
"This is not an industry that is thriving; it is an industry on its knees"- Hayley Atwell supports Brian Cox's claims
Brian Cox was backed by several A-list actors who were not very jolly about the current situation of the industry. Mission Impossible: Dead Reckoning Part 1 star Hayley Atwell was among those who spoke out about the current scenario in the industry.
She said:
"There is an illusion that if you are seen on telly then you’re fine but for most people that is not the case...This is not an industry that is thriving it is an industry on its knees."
Actor David Oyelowo added:
"The gap between the haves and the haves not in our industry is widening at an alarming rate. The business has continued to evolve and the means of remunerating the people who actually make the stuff isn’t catching up with the evolution."
As of now, it seems both the growing wage gap and the AI situation are important aspects that could affect the actors for some time to come.
The majority of US-based television shows have stopped production amidst this growing disdain. Most films and TV shows in the coming few months will also most likely suffer the consequences of this strike.
This is the first time in 63 years that Hollywood is facing a double strike.