Sam Taylor-Johnson's upcoming film Back to Black, slated for release on May 17, 2024, delves into the life story of the late singer Amy Winehouse. In a recent interview with Empire, the director shed light on her approach to the project, addressing the time she met Winehouse's family members. She stated:
"It was important to meet with them out of respect. But they have no involvement in terms of… like, they couldn't change things. They couldn't dictate how I was to shoot. Otherwise, I wouldn't have done it."
Speaking to The Hollywood Reporter at the same time, Sam expanded on the film's thematic scope and highlighted that the film would explore the rise and fall of Amy Winehouse. She added:
"In listening to her music, it was full of paradox and nuance in a way that seemed to have been neglected. I wanted to take her to a place where she had her agency back."
Sam Taylor-Johnson reveals more details about her upcoming film: Interview statements explored
In her conversation with Empire, Sam Taylor-Johnson mentioned Amy's father Mitch Winehouse, saying that he has already seen the film, but they have not spoken to each other until now. She further stated that they never approached Mitch or anyone else from the family to get some form of permission, and continued:
"All the music rights were approved by Universal and Sony. So what I wanted as much as possible was the truth of Amy, and Amy's relationship was that she loved her dad, whether we think he did right or wrong."
Sam told The Hollywood Reporter that while she was preparing the project, she had to bring a story by keeping those people in mind who shared a close relationship with Amy Winehouse over the years. Sam recalled the time when she witnessed a performance of Winehouse before the release of her debut album.
Sam Taylor-Johnson praised Amy's achievements, adding that she tied the knot with art dealer Jay Jopling at the time. Sam also mentioned:
"Though not exactly pop stardom, a young woman's rise in the art world had its perils, too. I remember the attention being so exhilarating and exciting at the beginning, until you feel the turn and actually not everyone's supporting you in your ascendance."
Sam Taylor-Johnson explains the casting process for Back to Black
In the biographical drama, Marisa Abela takes on the role of Amy Winehouse after being selected from a pool of eight actresses initially considered for the part. Speaking of Abela's casting, Sam Taylor-Johnson described her as a "sweet and well-spoken" person and stated:
"I saw Marisa look up and look into the lens, and I literally just took a breath and sat back. She hadn't even said anything. And I thought, 'It's her.' I just knew."
Furthermore, Abela underwent training to get a singing style similar to Winehouse, and she said that it was important since everything was being brought in front of the audience through music. She had to transform so that she could appear in a condition where she would look like an addicted individual.
Sam Taylor-Johnson clarified that the film does not glorify the eating disorder bulimia. While Abela's casting was not liked by a majority of the audience, Mitch Winehouse expressed his support in January last year, saying that Abela was a "great choice for the role."
Back to Black marks Sam's fourth film as a director, following her last project, the psychological drama A Million Little Pieces. The initial response to the film has not been highly positive, except that critics have called Abela's performance the only plus point.