Rick and Morty, one of the most successful adult animated television shows, was hit with a massive roadblock when Justin Roiland, who co-created and voiced both the characters since the show began, was reportedly charged with felony domestic violence in Orange County, California. The network soon fired Roiland, leaving the seventh season of Rick and Morty without the primary voice actor.
As of this writing, the network has not revealed the voice actor(s) taking over Roiland's role, despite much speculation. However, a clip released earlier today gave fans a glimpse of the new voices of Rick and Morty, which did not seem very different from Roiland's. Fans were over the moon about this and took to social media to react to the same.
Rick and Morty season 7 premieres on October 15, 2023.
"They literally sound the same" - Fans praise voice actor(s) in new Rick and Morty season 7 trailer
For months now, fans of the iconic show have been concerned about who would voice the popular characters of the series. Their worries were put to rest when the network dropped a trailer featuring Morty and Rick's voices, which fans believed sounded quite convincing.
Many individuals took to the comments section of Discussing Film's Twitter post to express their opinions about the new voice actor(s). They believed that the characters sounded the same as the previous seasons and that there was "no difference." They stated that with a solid plot, the seventh season of the show could achieve the same level of success as the earlier installments.
The recently released trailer went viral online as it not only gave fans a glimpse of the voices of the titular characters but also shed light on the intriguing plot of the upcoming installment.
Rick and Morty season 7 is set to premiere on October 15, 2023.