Alex Jones has responded after the satirical news site, The Onion, bought his InfoWars website out of bankruptcy. After the sale was announced, Jones took to social media platform X to talk about it. In a video shared on X on Thursday, November 14, which he captioned, "Infowars is being shut down now," the American radio host said:
"This is all going down right now. They want to silence the American people, but we're not gonna be silenced."
He also shared what he thought about the bidding rules that had The Onion win InfoWars.
"This morning, the Connecticut Democrats with The Onion newspaper bought us, they asked, do they outbid? They said, well, it was competitive. So they changed all the bidding rules, made it secret. Two days ago, I had a bad feeling I told you that."
He explained that "they" tried to shut down InfoWars back in late May, even without a court order. Alex Jones further noted in the video that he won't be leaving the studio any time soon, saying:
"I don't know what's gonna happen, but I'm going to be here till they come around and turn the lights off."
Jones added that if they are going to shut down the studio, he will be asking them where their court order is. The Onion bought InfoWars on Wednesday in a private auction as part of the plan to liquidate his assets to pay the families of the 2012 Sandy Hook school shooting victims.
What is The Onion and more on Alex Jones's reaction to the satirical publication buying InfoWars
The Onion is a Chicago-based parody website that publishes satirical news stories about current events and politicians. It also regularly spoofed Jones and bills itself as "the world's leading new publication" that supposedly provides "highly acclaimed, universally recent coverage" of breaking news events.
Some of its headlines about Alex Jones included "What Alex Jones Spent Money On While Claiming to Be Bankrupt," "Alex Jones Concedes Sandy Hook Happened on Mars," and more.
Before the bidding day, Jones had fought to retain the site. As per Newsweek's report on November 14, he said on his show that he's working with a group that also submitted a bid. While he shared no further details, the radio host alleged earlier in the week that the bidding process appears rigged, but he said in his latest X video:
"We're not gonna be silenced."
He then urged his supporters and listeners to follow him on the Alex Jones Network and to tune in to his AJN Live podcast, claiming:
"This is a total attack on free speech. The deep state is completely out of control."
As he thanked his fans at the end of his video, Jones acknowledged how their support helped build InfoWars into what it is today. He said:
"InfoWars is really the detonator for this whole global movement that's happening."
As for The Onion, Bryce P. Teraeder, who is the CEO of the site's parent company, Global Tetrahedron, said that their decision to buy InfoWars was "an easy one." He called the site, where Jones publishes his many claims, in a November 14 article published in The Onion, an "invaluable tool for brainwashing and controlling the masses."
He added that "all will be revealed in due time" in terms of what's next for InfoWars.