On Tuesday, June 8th, a TikTok user posted a video in attendance of the Floyd Mayweather vs Logan Paul fight. However, the fan claimed that they paid $750, only to be sat far away. This reminded fans of the 2017 Fyre Festival.
The boxing match between professional boxer Floyd Mayweather and YouTube star Logan Paul took place at the Hard Rock Stadium in Miami, FL. The two fought eight rounds, with no official winner.
Thousands were able to see the fight in person, with many even concerned over the outcome of the event due to the downpour of rain. Fans in the US streamed the fight through Showtime PPV and Fanmio for $49.99.
Fans expose the Floyd Mayweather vs Logan Paul fight
A TikToker, under the username "@cbass429" posted a video from the Mayweather vs Paul fight on June 6th.
According to the user, they paid $750 for their seat, just to be sat far away from the ring.
The video was captioned "someone is takin the L tonight after all", and showed the user seated very far from the fight, barely able to see the jumbo screen. To add, there were allegedly no announcers as well, making the entire event more chaotic than what social media portrayed.
Especially after all the hype from both Floyd Mayweather and Logan Paul, fans were ultimately disappointed.
Fans compare the event to Fyre Festival
Despite thousands of fans allegedly being in attendance, many noted that the TikTok video looked empty. Meanwhile, others were quick to comment on how similar the fight was to the 2017 Fyre Festival fiasco, which overcharged customers for an underwhelming experience.
Some even pointed out that the TikToker got "finessed" or scammed by the Floyd Mayweather vs Logan Paul fight.
The majority of fans trolled the TikTok user, wondering why they spent so much money to see Floyd Mayweather and Logan Paul "hug".
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