Jared Leto recently attended the Met Gala 2023 dressed as the late legendary designer Karl Lagerfeld's white Birman cat, Choupette. Besides pictures of Jared Leto dressed in a life-size cat costume doing the rounds on the internet, another video of a dog's reaction to the same has left netizens in splits.
In the video, Jared Leto was seen walking on the 2023 Met Gala red carpet in the costume and waving to the cameras. The video then suddenly zoomed into a dog standing by the sidelines, looking bewildered.
The dog's confused expression has now become the butt of several jokes on the internet.
For those unaware, Jared Leto's costume was his way of paying homage to late German designer Karl Lagerfeld, which was in keeping with this year's theme for the Met Gala 2023, "Karl Lagerfeld: A Line of Beauty."
Following his red carpet entry, however, Leto fully removed the costume to reveal his outfit for the night - an all-black ensemble comprising of a bedazzled cape, semi-sheer blouse, pleated skirt, and black trousers.
Social media users can't get enough of the dog's reaction after seeing Jared Leto dressed as a life-sized cat
Internet users had a field day after going through the memes that were doing rounds post-Met Gala 2023. While the event saw plenty of mind-boggling costumes and funny memes about them, it was the dog's reaction to Leto's cat attire that quickly became the standout moment from the night.
Doja Cat was also dressed as Choupette for the Met Gala 2023
Jared was not the only one to dress up as a cat for Met Gala 2023 to pay an ode to Karl Lagerfeld. Singer Doja Cat also chose a similar path, even wearing feline-like facial prosthetics and a beaded cat-eared cap with her Oscar de la Renta gown.
The Met Gala is an annual fundraiser event in support of the Metropolitan Museum of Art Costume Institute. This event has been organized by Vogue Editor Anna Wintour for several years. She has presided over the event since 1995.
The event was co-chaired by Ghanaian-British screenwriter and actress Michaela Coel, Spanish actress Penelope Cruz, Swiss tennis great Roger Federer, Grammy-winning singer Dua Lipa, and Vogue Editor Anna Wintour.
Several celebrities like Kim Kardashian, Rihanna, and Lil Nas X were seen in attendance at the event.