Stray Kids’ Felix has been the talk of the town for the past month, all thanks to his collaboration with the luxury brand Louis Vuitton. Since February, he has collaborated with the prestigious brand to grace the pages of several magazines, winning over fans' hearts in the process. On March 20, 2024, some new pictures of the star broke out on the internet, which have not been officially released yet.
These pictures are reportedly supposed to be a part of the Harper’s Bazaar Korea magazine’s April 2024 issue, again in partnership with the brand, Louis Vuitton. Adorned with varied outfits and his signature blonde hair, the campaign's success was being already waited upon by the fans.
Fans are eagerly waiting to get their hands on this magazine as well as what new pictures and looks of him they might end up discovering.
Stray Kids' Felix has a new pictorial campaign coming up
Felix has certainly made his mark on the Louis Vuitton brand and its creators, who are the main driving force behind it. One such particular personality is the brand’s Artistic Director, Nicolas Ghesquière, who has looked up to the Stray Kids star as his “muse” in recent times. Louis Vuitton saw the potential in Lee Felix and even asked him to debut his first-ever fashion walk on their runway at the Paris Fashion Week.
All his whereabouts were personally handled by Nicolas himself, proving the kind of impact he has had on the K-pop scene as well as the brand as well. Louis Vuitton once again sponsored another photoshoot for the star for the Harper’s Bazaar Korea magazine.
He also recently appeared on the pages of Harper’s Bazaar Japan, where he stunned everyone with his growth as a model. He will reportedly appear in the April 2024 issue of the Harper’s Bazaar Korea magazine and might have 8 pages dedicated to his photos.
The fans, who have purchased the pre-release of this edition, released photos from the magazine on the internet. These photos shocked the fans with their creativity and diversity. These fans roughly released seven pictures of the shoot, and Felix could be seen in a different outfit in each one of them. His blonde hair was the focal point of the pictorial sequence along with his natural freckles.
Some of the outfits he wore during this shoot were Louis Vuitton’s Color-Blocked Gathered Leather Jacket, Black Jewel Button Waistcoat, Black Gathered Leather Jacket, etc. However, the photo that will mostly be featured as the cover image was a close-up shot of the star, which impressed fans the most.
This shot is a black-and-white photo that includes the 3/4th-facing angle of the star. The vibe of this photo made fans comment upon the image as the "true definition of visual center." They are excited to see how the entire photoshoot will unfold and if the magazine will also include an interview or not.
Felix's impact cannot be denied, as he currently stands as the most followed 4th generation K-pop artist as well as the most followed artist of JYP Entertainment.