Squid Game: The Challenge aired the season finale on December 6, 2023. During the segment, fans saw the Top 3 attend an iconic Squid Game dinner, followed by two finalists going head-to-head in a game of Rock, Paper, Scissors that decided who became the first-ever winner of the inaugural season of Squid Game: The Challenge.
During dinner, the players were presented with three buttons that decided their fates. Upon being pressed, the buttons were to turn Red, Green, or Grey. Mai went first since the button she pressed turned grey. She was neither eliminated nor did she advance to the final game. Sam went next, and his button turned red, and he was eliminated.
The two finalists, Mai and Phill, then competed in a game of Rock, Paper, Scissors, and Mai, Player 287, became the first-ever winner of the Netflix competitive show. While fans were ecstatic about Mai's victory, they took to social media to express their views about the final episode and noted that it was underwhelming.
One person, @QuinThomasx wrote on X (formerly known as Twitter):
"The finale of this show was so underwhelming."
Episodes of Squid Game: The Challenge are available to stream on Netflix.
Squid Game: The Challenge fans react to the season finale
Squid Game: The Challenge aired its season finale on December 6, 2023. While fans were eagerly waiting to find out who won the Netflix reality show, they were left unimpressed with episode 10.
The episode started with the true-to-Kdrama show Squid Game Dinner, during which the final three had to choose a button. The buttons determined their fate, and Phill and Mai moved on to the final. If the player's button turned green, they had the opportunity to pick the person who would have gone to the final challenge with them. However, it didn't come to that as Mai's button turned grey and Sam's turned red.
Phill and Mai moved on to the final test, a game of Rock, Paper, Scissors that decided who became a multi-millionaire by winning the biggest prize fund in the history of reality television.
However, there was a small twist. After every round, the winning player had to pick a key to unlock a safe. While Mai won the first round, she was unable to unlock the safe. Phill won the second round and was also unsuccessful with the key.
During the game, Mai noted that she had a feeling that she was going to win but wished Phill "best of luck" regardless. Ultimately, she became victorious as Player 287 successfully unlocked the safe and became the winner of Squid Game: The Challenge season 1.
While fans rejoiced about the win, they were left disappointed by the final segment. They took to social media to chime in and noted that episode 10 was "anti-climatic."
Episodes of Squid Game: The Challenge are available to stream on Netflix.