In a new collaboration, beloved K-drama stars Han So-hee and Cha Eun-woo united to mesmerize fans through a recent advertisement. Only three days ago, a short film was released by Giordano, one of the world's leading fashion apparel brand. This cinematic piece portrayed the two actors as a charismatic college couple, engaging in heartwarming activities that instantly melted fans' hearts.
As another campaign unfolded on August 14, 2023, a new set of photographs featuring this dynamic duo emerged, leaving fans delighted, while their visuals left their admirers even more enticed. The brilliance of bringing these two popular actors together in one frame became an utter success, hitting a chord with fans who celebrated this creative collaboration.
Han So-hee and Cha Eun-woo stun fans with new photos released by fashion brand Giordano
Seizing the opportunity presented by the popularity of K-drama actors Cha Eun-woo and Han So-hee, world-renowned fashion brand from Hong Kong, Giordano, embarked on a joint venture with the two stars.
On August 11, the fashion powerhouse released an appealing video featuring both Cha Eun-woo and Han So-hee, officially announcing them as the faces of their new campaign. This dynamic duo was brilliantly portrayed as a young couple, with their outfits perfectly complementing the aesthetics of the brand's 2023 fall collection. Accompanying the video release were a series of stunning photos that left fans in awe of their combined allure.
Once again, on August 14, just three days after the initial film release, the duo thrilled fans with another set of photos. Among them, two images stood out where the pair can be seen lying on a pristine white floor.
Han So-hee adorned a full denim ensemble paired with a white crop top, while Cha Eun-woo exuded an effortlessly cool vibe in black jeans and black leather jacket. The monochromatic elegance of these photos and the duo's visuals, dripping with charm, fueled the hopes of these fans who yearn to see the two stars sharing the screen once again.
Fans did not hold back their praise and expressed their excitement on Twitter.
This collaboration wasn't their first dance together. Prior to this, the actors had already joined forces for an advertisement trailer promoting a webtoon titled The Villainess is a Marionette.Teaming up with fellow actor Lee Soo-hyuk, they had woven their star power into a memorable experience, leaving fans wanting more.
In other news, Han So-hee was recently seen sharing the screen with K-pop star Jungkook in his solo song Seven's music video that was released exactly a month ago on July 14, 2023. Meanwhile, Cha Eun-woo has been busy collaborating with numerous brands through various campaigns.
Both the stars seem to be working on their own respective drama projects at the moment, with the former already set to star in an upcoming drama Gyeongseong Creature, while the latter's drama A Good Day to Be a Dog is still in works.