A 35-year-old woman named Angelina Cando was arrested on Monday after she allegedly set a pride flag on fire. The incident happened outside of a SoHo restaurant. Cando also allegedly vandalized two NYPD cars.
Angelina Cando was charged with hate crime charges and other offenses, including arson. She allegedly burnt the pride flag at around 1:30 am on Monday near MacDougal Street in Manhattan. Police further discovered that Cando was previously arrested for assault and menacing.
Surveillance video footage captured Angelina burning the pride flag, which contained the words “Make America Gay Again.” She was seen taking out a lighter and lighting the flag up, shortly before driving off in her white SUV. As a result of the fire, apartments above the Prince Street restaurant had to be temporarily evacuated.
35-year-old woman allegedly set a pride flag on fire; apartments had to be temporarily evacuated due to the incident
The disturbing event took place on Monday at around 1:30 am when 35-year-old Angelina Cando set a pride flag on fire. The pride flag outside the SoHo restaurant read “Make America Gay Again.” In surveillance footage, Cando was then seen driving off in her car. A temporary evacuation had to be done in the nearby apartments. Charlotte Wynn, a regular at the restaurant, said,
“Can’t imagine someone would have that much hate to do something like this. Especially not knowing if it could physically hurt someone as well.”
According to the restaurant owner, an employee who was present during the incident called 911 and reported the crime. The employee said,
“To be a part of it, and to witness it, and to work here and to have that happen, like this is my job. This is where I make money and this is also where I have a home. So, to have that taken away, I’m confused and I’m hurt, and I don’t know how to feel about it.”
The fire did not cause any injuries but caused exterior damage to the building
Fortunately, no individual was hurt in the incident. Council member Erik Bottcher addressed the incident and said,
“What we saw in the video was a hate crime. Someone who intended to strike fear into our entire community.”
Cando was charged with arson, criminal mischief and reckless endangerment under the category of hate crime. She also vandalized two NYPD patrol cars and scrawled “Jesus is King” on the back of the vehicle.
She was also charged with criminal mischief for possession of graffiti tools. Police further found that destroying the flag wasn’t her first encounter with cops. She was arrested for assault back in January and for menacing in February.
Although the fire didn’t harm anyone, it caused exterior damage to the building. The police said,
“A Pride flag was burned causing damage to the restaurant and residential building above it.”
Police are currently investigating the case. They have also urged anyone with any information regarding the incident to come forward and contact the authorities.