In yet another in-flight incident involving an unruly passenger, a video captured Texas woman Simone Bryna Kim being dragged off a Frontier Airlines flight by multiple cops after resisting arrest for threatening to attack a fellow passenger.
On Tuesday, March 21, 2023, Simone Bryna Kim, 24, was on a Frontier Airlines flight at Miami International Airport when she got into a verbal altercation with a passenger on the plane heading to Philadelphia.
As per the New York Post, Kim was arrested for causing a disturbance after she refused to get off the plane for threatening to attack a fellow passenger.
The arrest, which was captured on camera, showed Kim visibly struggling after being carried out by several cops in an attempt to restrain her on the ground. Prior to being lifted by officers at the scene, Kim allegedly physically assaulted multiple officers as they tried to get her off the plane.
Simone Bryna Kim was captured fighting with another passenger before the arrest
Simone Bryna Kim was on a plane bound for Philadelphia from Miami International Airport when she was asked to get off for threatening a passenger with harm.
As per the Miami Herald, a video captured by a passenger showed Kim verbally abusing a male passenger before the crew tried to diffuse the situation by trying to get her off the plane. The video showed a disgruntled Kim yelling:
“‘If you’re real, show me what’s up. I’m going to beat you the f**k up on this s**t, I guarantee you, I guarantee you.”
While it is unclear what prompted the verbal attack against the other passenger, the publication reported that the crew members were forced to notify the authorities after Kim refused to get off the plane.
Shortly after authorities arrived at the scene, Kim reportedly began struggling against being thrown off the plane and physically assaulted the officers, who were then forced to drag her off the flight.
A second video then captured Kim, who was still struggling against the arrest after she exited the plane, being hoisted up by multiple officers as she began flailing in their arms.
As per the arrest report cited by the New York Post, Simone Bryna Kim is accused of kicking and biting the officers while resisting arrest. Following the incident, Frontier Airlines released a statement addressing the arrest and said:
“During the boarding process for Flight 2326 from Miami to Philadelphia, two customers got into a verbal altercation which resulted in one of the customers being asked to deplane. Upon her refusal, assistance was requested from local law enforcement. We defer to the Miami-Dade Police Department for additional information.”
Simone Bryna Kim, who was released on Wednesday from the Turner Guilford Knight Correctional Center on bond, was charged with battery on a police officer, one felony charge of resisting an officer with violence, three misdemeanor counts of assault on a police officer and a misdemeanor trespassing charge.