On Friday, the Miami Dade Police Department announced that one of their officers would be subjected to an internal investigation for allegedly obstructing a pregnant woman from entering an emergency room.
The pregnant woman in question is Sabrino Enciso, who was with her husband, Kevin Enciso, when a verbal argument began with the officer. During their conversation, it seemed that the officer had stopped their car as Kevin had honked at him while trying to drive his wife to the emergency room.
The conversation heated up, with Kevin accusing the officer of pulling the couple over due to his ego. After the video went viral, the Miami Dade Police informed the Huffington Post that they were aware of the incident and the viral video. The case is currently under investigation.
Miami Dade incident shows clear signs of non-cooperation by the police offer
First Coast News reported that Kevin Enciso was driving his wife, who was in labor, to the Jackson West Medical Center. When they reached the hospital, they found multiple Miami Dade Police Department vehicles obstructing the way to the emergency room.
The outlet reported that while many police cars moved out of the way after Enciso honked, one officer approached the window of Enciso's car and questioned them. In the video, Sabrina Enciso can be heard pleading with the officer to let them go. People News reported that she herself is an employee at the hospital.
She said:
"I think I'm getting ready to miscarry. I am coming to the ER today because that's what my doctor stated I needed to do, to make sure I don't lose this child."
However, afterward, the officer requested that the couple get out of the car.
Seeing Sabrina Enciso get out of the car, the officer said:
“Oh, so you’re OK now."
The pregnant woman responded:
"Right now, no, I’m having a lot of pain."
The Miami Dade officer then asked the couple if they needed paramedics or fire rescue to help them. The couple claimed that this was done in a passive-aggressive manner.
In an interview with the First Coast, John Phillips, the attorney representing the Encisos, discussed the incident.
He said:
"We do need to protect officers, but protecting officers is allowing them the ability to de-escalate and training them that every situation does not have to have a gun involved or sarcasm because that's only going to escalate emotions."
As per the Independent, the couple has filed a formal complaint, accusing the officer of violating their civil rights.