Cosmic Love contestant David Christopher embarked on a unique journey while making his debut on the Amazon Prime Video show. The reality dating series has put a whole new spin on shows of similar format and has garnered quite a lot of attention from viewers. With a new format comes its trails and tribulations, and David has gone through all of its ups and downs. He shared his experience with Sportskeeda.
Cosmic Love features four cast members, Maria Rodriguez, Connor Shennan, Phoebe Davis, and Noel Allen, who are looking to find love and a potential partner. Each of them is matched with four prospective individuals, based on their zodiac signs and astrological numericals, who are also looking to find a connection.
A dating show based on astrology has sparked quite the interest amongst the audience, with a varied set of opinions. For David, it began as an exploration of the genre and led to a number of learning experiences and significant memories. In a conversation with Sportskeeda, the star shared his beliefs about astrology, his rapport with cast members on the show and more.
Cosmic Love's David Christopher talks about astrology, his beliefs in it, and his debut on the show
David was one of the fan favorite contestants on the show as he was seen supporting Phoebe Davis irrespective of whether they had a connection or not. He stated that he was initially skeptical about taking the chance to be in the series. However, since the concept was so different in this day and age, he was intrigued.
The 34-year-old star said:
"It was definitely out of the ordinary for me... I was always anti dating shows and I actually told myself I’d never do one haha...but the way this show was pitched to me it really seemed like a unique and interesting experience. And with today's culture and social media… It seemed like a good time to try something new like this show. So, being a single guy, I figured, why not?!"
The star isn't just the CEO of his own streaming network but also has a background in entertainment. It was, however, his experience with previous reality shows that helped him navigate his journey on Cosmic Love. Although he was skeptical at first, he was also open to exploring newer formats, and he said:
"I’m usually a pretty open minded guy but dating shows were something I never had an interest in. I had been asked in the past to go on other shows but it just wasn't something I felt comfortable with."
He continued to say:
"That being said, over the years I’ve opened my mind up more in this specific genre and Cosmic Love definitely caught me at the right time. I was curious and open to giving this dating show thing a try."
As for the show's format, David said that it was interesting and "unique in its own right," given the time and culture we live in. Although David felt that the show's format deserved attention, he did note that he had a few "greivances with some of the formatting choices that were made."
Astrology as a concept can be complicated for people to understand. While some firmly believe in the same, others might take it as a way to believe in a higher power. David said that for him, the show definitely made him think about it twice and he added:
"This has always been an interesting question for me. Growing up, I would hear people talk about astrology, and I was intrigued to a degree, but I never took it seriously. So, yes and no."
He further stated:
"Epecially following the show, I have definitely found more significance in it. Specifically, I have learned a lot about astrological charts, which I find really interesting. However, I do not think it is something to live your life by."
David also spoke about forming friendships with fellow cast members and siad that they "bonded pretty hard during the experience." He also felt that being on the reality show helped them lean on each other and mentioned:
"We all got very close very quickly. In particular, I grew very close with my bunkmates (CJ, Essex, and Darren) and became really solid friends. There was a lot of opening up and advice and pep talks."
David also said that the cast members had formed lifelong friendships being on the show. He also revealed that they have a group chat where they consistently check up on each other. He continued:
"At a couple points, I definitely became pretty burnt out with the whole experience, and I was honestly really grateful to be able to rely on them to keep me going and remind me why we were all there. Especially with Essex being a fellow musician, we would just play guitar and jam out. It was a much needed escape."
David also gave some advice for future applicants taking a shot on reality dating shows. He explained that it is extremely necessary for contestants to "know what they're getting into." He added that they needed to stay true to themselves while dealing with the pressures of being on a reality show.
The star continued:
"All while remaining mindful that things can be cut and twisted in different ways, so try to stay aware of how you could be coming off. There is a lot that goes into reality tv, and understanding that before getting into it is really important. Most importantly though, have fun and really take in the experience."
As the CEO of his entertainment streaming network, David confessed that he was open to creating shows in similar formats. However, he added that "there are definitely differences in how they would implement things on his network."
All episodes of Cosmic Love are currently streaming on Amazon Prime Video.