The Bachelorette episode 2 aired on ABC this Monday, July 3, at 9 pm ET. In the episode, Brayden shocked all the cast members with his choice of colorful clothes, coupled with glasses, dangly earrings, and a scarf. He also questioned Charity's decision to kiss Joey in front of everyone for four minutes, implying that it was disrespectful and threatening to leave the show.
Furthermore, Brayden did not shy away from fighting Adrian when he won the MVP title in a dodgeball game. Adrian called him "childish" and felt that he was not on the show for right reasons. He warned Charity that some people were "treating this experience and journey of finding love like it’s spring break."
He was upset that Charity liked Joey and taunted her by saying,
"To be honest, I don’t know if this is someone I can have a relationship with."
He doubted Charity's character at the time and confronted her about the same. The Bachelorette fans felt that Bayden was acting in such an extreme way to earn clout and to make sure that he will be hired in another show of the franchise.
The Bachelorette fans think the producers are forcing Charity to keep Brayden on the show
Brayden told Charity that he felt bad for the guys in front of her when she was kissing another man.
"I felt like I was lied to in that moment when I heard what happened. I’m going to be honest, I was ready to run away," he said.
Charity assured him that her kiss was not malicious and appreciated his honesty. She did not know that Brayden had called her "classless," which she learnt later from Adrian. Still, Lawson gave her last rose to Brayden, keeping him on the show.
The Bachelorette fans are sure that the producers asked Charity to give him the rose as he was creating a lot of drama. They also slammed Brayden for his behavior and felt that he was acting like a "big baby."
Brayden was the winner of the first impression rose
In the first episode, Charity and Brayden bonded well and even shared a kiss. The latter could not stop boasting about it and even told a waiter nearby what had happened, not knowing that he was actually Charity’s brother. Others felt that he was problematic and arrogant.
When Lawson confronted him about the same, he mentioned that he was just happy with their connection. This impressed Charity, and he won the first impression rose of the season. She praised him for being a "breath of fresh air" and was glad that he was excited about their connection.
ABC airs new episodes of The Bachelorette every Monday at 9 pm ET.