Love Island: All Stars, the latest spin-off of the ITV dating show aired a brand new episode on Wednesday, January 31, 2024. The segment featured another recoupling ceremony and those who were left without a partner were sent home. During the episode, Molly Smith and Tom Clare were voted the most popular cast members on the show and this title earned them the power to eliminate whoever they wanted.
Disclaimer: This article contains spoilers for the January 31 episode of Love Island: All Stars.
After discussing who to send home, the duo eliminated Hannah and Tyler. This did not sit well with fans and they took to social media to react to the same.
Love Island: All Stars fans upset over Hannah Elizabeth's elimination
The ITV dating show aired a brand new episode on January 31, 2024. During the segment, the cast members individually rated each contestant and discussed who should go home. However, Tom Claire and Molly Smith had the power to make the ultimate decision and dump one woman and one man from the villa, respectively.
After the duo's discussion, Maya Jama asked Molly who she had decided to eliminate. Before her announcement, the islander noted that it was a "difficult decision" and that there wasn't a single male contestant that the women would like to dump from the ITV show. The cast member eventually named Tyler Cruickshank and sent him packing.
The host then asked Tom Clare about the boys' decision.
"I think us boys don't really want to see any girls packing their bags, to be honest. But I think ultimately, us boys think so much of all of you girls, like, truly, we do," he said.
The islander noted that the entire female cast brought so much to the villa and explained that he had to think about people who "maybe" hadn't tried as much as some of the other cast members. Tom Clare noted that the decision was "really tough" for the boys and decided to dump Hannah Elizabeth from Love Island: All Stars. The cast then bid goodbye to the two islanders.
Fans soon took to social media to react to the double elimination and were upset to see Hannah Elizabeth go home.
Soon after the elimination, Georgia H insisted that Anton tell her what the boys spoke about while deciding which cast member to eliminate. Chris wasn't happy about Anton revealing details about the conversation to her.
A new episode of Love Island: All Stars will air on February 1, 2024, on ITV.