Anna Cardwell, known as "Chickadee" to fans of the reality TV show Mama June: From Not to Hot, is currently battling with stage 4 adrenal carcinoma. Recently, her mother, Mama June Shannon, opened up about how her eldest daughter has been fighting cancer.
Anna "Chickadee" Cardwell was diagnosed with stage 4 adrenal carcinoma in January 2023. She was suffering from stomach aches and had to undergo a few tests, following which cancer was found in her liver, kidney, and lung.
In a recent interview with ET on July 12, June Shannon opened up about her daughter's battle with cancer as she went through chemotherapy.
"She's actually doing pretty good. She's handling it pretty good," she shared.
June Shannon shares Anna Cardwell will be going through immune therapy or clinical trials
Speaking with ET, Mama June expressed that Anna is "actually doing pretty good" and handling the cancer battle as best as she can. Despite the difficult circumstances, she can carry out some of the daily activities she used to, like going to the grocery store, driving herself, and taking her kids to and from places.
Anna Cardwell's younger sister echoed the same sentiment as she emphasized her sister's ability to bounce back quickly after each round of chemotherapy.
"A lot of people thought that it was gonna make her sick and stuff like that, [but] she's able to bounce back pretty quick."
To date, Anna has completed four rounds of chemotherapy. The treatment has been a crucial part of her battle against cancer. In terms of Anna's treatment options, Shannon June revealed that her next course of action might involve immune therapy or participation in clinical trials.
However, Anna Cardwell wants to observe how her body responds before making a decision. Shannon acknowledged the uncertainty surrounding the future, saying:
"We don't know what to expect because the cancer is very aggressive and it grew from nothing to something huge on the left side of her body really fast."
Anna Cardwell’s mother has described the journey as an "emotional roller coaster," always on her mind. She acknowledged that Anna's prognosis is terminal, stating:
"We know it's terminal... She's stage 4. She's not gonna go into remission. We've all accepted that, so I just tell people one day at a time 'cause you never know."
Anna's cancer diagnosis came in January, and since then, the family has rallied together to support her throughout this difficult time. June Shannon relocated to Georgia with her husband, Justin Stroud, to be closer to Anna and offer their unwavering support during this difficult time.
What is adrenal carcinoma? Understanding Anna Cardwell's Diagnosis
Adrenal carcinoma, the type of cancer Anna is battling, originates in the adrenal glands, situated on top of the kidneys. According to the Mayo Clinic, these glands produce hormones that play vital roles in the body's functioning. If discovered in its early stages, adrenal carcinoma is curable; however, once it spreads beyond the adrenal glands, it becomes incurable.
The symptoms of adrenal carcinoma include weight gain, muscle weakness, pink or purple stretch marks on the skin, hormonal changes, nausea, vomiting, abdominal bloating, back pain, fever, loss of appetite, and weight loss. The disease occurs due to mutations in the DNA of adrenal gland cells, leading to abnormal cell growth and tumor formation.
While the prognosis for stage 4 adrenal carcinoma is challenging, ongoing research and advancements in medical treatments offer hope for future breakthroughs.