Kanye West recently defended Travis Scott on Instagram after Billie Eilish’s mid-performance comment sparked online chatter. On Thursday, Ye demanded an apology from Eilish because her remarks were seemingly directed at the Astroworld tragedy.
Ye said:
"Come on Billie, we love you."
He went on to say that the tragic outcome was unintentional:
"Trav didn't have any idea what was going on when he was on stage."
In the caption, Ye urged Billie Eilish to apologize to Travis Scott and the victims' families.
What Billie Eilish said
During her Atlanta show earlier in the week, Eilish paused her performance to help a struggling fan with an inhaler. She continued the show after the individual felt better.
At one point, she commented:
"I wait for people to be OK until I keep going."
While Eilish didn't name anyone, her comments were perceived as criticizing Travis Scott's actions during the Astroworld tragedy. Scott's performance lasted 37 minutes after the event was declared a mass casualty event.
Eilish responded by clarifying that she did not mention Scott or bring up the Astroworld tragedy. She helped a fan and asserted her priority.
Ye demanded Eilish apologize before he and Travis Scott performed at Coachella. He has yet to respond to her comment on Instagram.
The Astroworld incident occurred at NRG Park in November 2021 at a sold-out outdoor festival
10 individuals died at the festival, including a nine-year-old Ezra Blount - the youngest victim. The ages of the other deceased varied from 14-27. Around 300 individuals were hurt and treated on the festival grounds, 25 of them being transferred to hospitals.
Several security lapses and disorganization led to a mass-casualty stampede at Astroworld. Scott was immediately under public scrutiny as several fan videos showed a devolving situation on the ground while the headliner, Travis Scott, was on stage. Hundreds of legal claims have been filed against Scott and Live Nation over injuries and deaths. The cases have yet to reach an outcome.