What is Bradford Ferrick charged with? Massachusetts family doctor arrested for possessing inappropriate child material

Ferrick is currently on leave from the medical center where he was employed (Image via Baystate Franklin Medical Center/Bradford Ferrick/Facebook)
Ferrick is currently on leave from the medical center where he was employed (Image via Baystate Franklin Medical Center/Bradford Ferrick/Facebook)

Dr. Bradford Ferrick, 32, was detained on Tuesday, March 14, on suspicion of downloading illicit material. He has been charged with four counts of possessing child p*rnography.

Trigger warning: This story concerns the possession of illicit material

According to Law&Crime, at the time of Bradford Ferrick's arrest, the Massachusetts family doctor was already under house arrest for downloading illegal media. On February 13, 2023, authorities executed a search warrant on Ferrick's house, where they discovered 61 devices containing illicit material.

After suspecting that Bradford Ferrick had collected more media than they had initially thought, officials detained him. Ferrick has been on unpaid leave from his place of employment, the Baystate Franklin Medical Center, since February.

How did authorities begin to suspect Bradford Ferrick?

According to CBS, Massachusetts authorities received three tips in March 2022, claiming that Bradford Ferrick had posted offensive footage of children online. He was charged with secretly filming at least two child patients while doing medical examinations using hidden cameras. Officials disclosed that certain private body parts could be seen.

After his initial arrest, Bradford Ferrick was arraigned and released to home confinement. However, authorities believed that he had attempted to erase further material from another phone containing the material. Subsequently, authorities executed a second search warrant and took 11 more devices from the suspect's residence.

The alleged hidden cameras that were used to record the illegal footage were found by authorities during a search of Ferrick's home on February 13. WCVB published that the seized items also included hard drives, computers, and SD cards. In a separate February 21 search, officials discovered a camera that was hidden in a bracelet.

The U.S. Attorney's Office said:

“It is alleged that one of the hidden camera devices – which was designed to be worn as a bracelet – was found to contain at least two surreptitiously recorded videos of Ferrick administering medical exams."

The statement continued:

"It is alleged that two minors who investigators believe to be patients could be heard and, at times, partially seen in the videos. Forensic review of the devices seized at both residences remains ongoing.”

The New York Post reported that while officials have confirmed at least two suspects, several families who went to Baystate Franklin Medical Center are concerned that Ferrick may also have targeted their children. Authorities suspect that the victims may be between 6 and 11 years old.

The U.S. Attorney's Office stated:

“It is alleged that two minors who investigators believe to be patients could be heard and, at times, partially seen in the videos. Forensic review of the devices seized at both residences remains ongoing."

The case against the doctor is currently ongoing. He has pled not guilty to the charges while he is being held. The administration of Baystate Franklin Medical Center is cooperating with authorities, according to a spokesperson for the facility.

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Edited by Dev Sharma
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