Cara Delevingne, the renowned English model and actress, recently responded to reports that her Los Angeles home was destroyed in a fire on Friday, March 15, 2024. Fortunately, she was not present at the residence during the incident, as she is currently engaged in a stage performance on London's West End.
According to The Sun, Cara's father, Charles, explained that the fire was caused by an “electrical” fault issue. He also mentioned that the situation escalated due to high winds in the area, causing the fault to spiral out of control.
In response to the situation, the 31-year-old took to her Instagram Story, where she shared a photo of two of her cats, which seemingly implied that they had been lost in the fire. She wrote,
"My heart is broken today. I cannot believe it. Life can change in a blink of an eye so cherish what you have."
She shared a second post after a few hours, letting her followers know that the cats were rescued.
Cara Delevingne's Los Angeles home destroyed by fire
Cara Delevingne's $7 million home caught fire on Friday, with flames engulfing the property by the time firefighters arrived at the scene. A 911 call was made at approximately 04:00 am PST (11:00 am GMT).
The model shared a video captured near the property showing several fire trucks and emergency response vehicles parked along the streets with red lights flashing. The 6,650-square-foot home was up in smoke as the authorities reported the fire began at the back of the 1970s house and rapidly spread to the attic.
Cara Delevingne was not present in the Studio City neighborhood when the accident occurred. Currently, she has been in London, portraying Sally Bowles in the West End revival of Cabaret. She posted about the fire, saying,
"Thank you from the bottom of my heart to the firefighters and people that have showed up to help."
Cara Delevingne also spoke about her two cats' well-being, saying,
"They are alive!! Thank you to the firefighters."
According to Los Angeles Fire Department spokesperson Nicholas Prange, two people were injured during the incident. One of them was a firefighter who was transported from the scene after falling from a ladder. His injuries were not specified, meanwhile, a housesitter was also treated for minor injuries as she was inside the house at the time. The LAFD captain, Adam VanGerpen, said,
"There was a very long driveway, where they found a large two-story, single-family home that had fire and smoke showing from the rear. This got up into the attic and spread throughout the majority of the home. So the home has a lot of excessive damage."
The firefighters ensured that everyone was out of the house and soon took defensive positions when they saw the roof collapse. The fire crew began to extinguish the flames with hoses from the exterior. It took 94 firefighters over two hours to put out the flames. No fatalities were reported as a result of the incident.